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Only a stray gull or two occasionally flew by, so far out of reach that none of us could catch them." "Well, go on to tell the story in your own way," said Mr Meldrum.

"Sure it's like goin' in the dark to Bandon Fair, for all the worruld over." "It's not what we like," interposed Mr Meldrum somewhat dryly. "We have got to put up with what we can get." "True for you, sorr," said Mr McCarthy, not to be beaten; "sure, but isn't it best to make the best on it."

"She's still hard and fast on the reef, and never another plank sprung from the starn, as far as I can see!" This was good news; and Mr Meldrum, with the mate, hastened to join the carpenter on his perch above.

This was June 26th, and the Parliamentarians, under Sir John Meldrum, repossessed it the following October. In 1669 the Mayor of Liverpool kept an inn. In 1730 there was only one carriage in town, and no stage-coach came nearer than Warrington, the roads being impassable. In 1734 the Earl of Derby gave a great entertainment in the tower.

Ever since the affair on the station platform he had been flogging himself because he had driven away and left Meldrum in possession of the field. No doubt all Battle Butte knew now how frightened he had been. The women were gossiping about it over their tea, probably, and men were retailing the story in saloons and on sidewalks. "I didn't want any trouble," he said apologetically.

The tanned stranger in corduroys, hickory shirt, and pinched-in hat of the range rider was Royal Beaudry. It was with a start of surprise that Meldrum recognized him. His enemy was no longer a "pink-ear." There was that in his stride, his garb, and the steady look of his eye which told of a growing confidence and competence.

Frank returned to those within, after carefully closing the door again behind him, just like the dove messenger came back to Noah and his imprisoned family in the ark! Like the bearer of the olive branch, he too was a herald of glad tidings. "There is a change," said he, addressing himself to Mr Meldrum, "and I think, sir, we'll soon be able to get out again."

For some days prior to this, Mr Meldrum had been very busy taking short excursions in various directions, but all tending to the same point of the compass.

Then, without uttering another word, he jumped down alongside of Mr Meldrum on the lower deck; where, catching up a marlinspike that was handy, he rapped vehemently against the coamings of the hatchway, some of the hands having gone to bunk down there since the cargo had been partly removed, on account of the forecastle being quite untenable from the water that had accumulated there, besides which the waves were now washing over it freely.

"I took fust-class when at school in the States for elegancy and deportment." "I'm sure I wish you had stopped there!" retorted the lady; but any further amenities were arrested from passing between them by the nearer approach of the longboat, and the fact of Mr Meldrum and those with him coming down from the ridge so as to be on the beach when their unexpected visitors got in to shore.