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As he turned, the little, mean-faced man drew a revolver from his belt and shot the giant in the back. The big fellow threw his hands above his head, his knees bent beneath him, and without a sound he tumbled forward upon the beach, dead.

The mean-faced little man looked by turns frightened and fierce. "I'd slit his throat if he did!" he said. "No need of that. We'll make him join us." "That would be the best way; but can you?" "We can try. Don't forget what I told you." Nathan nodded. Still Jasper slept, little suspecting into what a trap he had walked. It was after five o'clock when Jasper opened his eyes.

Here we were, shipmates, together committed to a high adventure, yet the man would not tarry by my side long enough to up-end a schooner to a fair passage. I was to have other surprises before the day was out the mean-faced beggar, and the way in which the Knitting Swede put us on board the Golden Bough. Surprising incidents.

"I know thy meaning now. But surely this mean-faced missionary is not to be compared to thee! Kesta, 'tis the fair-faced woman that is in thy mind. Be it as you will. Yet I knew not that the customs of thy land were like unto ours." "What the devil is she driving at!" thought Chester, utterly failing to grasp her meaning. Early next morning Tulpe was gone. "Deny it not, white woman.

It was well, thought he, that he had not given way to his first impulse to rush forward and greet these white men as brothers. They were evidently no different from the black men no more civilized than the apes no less cruel than Sabor. For a moment the others stood looking at the little, mean-faced man and the giant lying dead upon the beach.

She told herself that sooner or later her aunt would conquer her, that sooner or later that mean-faced old man, with his snuffy fingers, and his few straggling hairs brushed over his bald pate, with his big shoes spreading here and there because of his corns, and his ugly, loose, square, snuffy coat, and his old hat which he had worn so long that she never liked to touch it, would become her husband, and that it would be her duty to look after his wine, and his old shoes, and his old hat, and to have her own little possessions doled out to her by his penuriousness.

Mean-faced Kabyle dogs, guarding deserted tents, howled their hatred of the music, while far away, across desert spaces, jackals cried to one another. And the scintillating network of stars was dimmed by a thin veil of sand which the wind lifted and let fall, as Victoria lifted and let fall the spangled scarf that made her beauty more mysterious, more desirable, in the eyes of Maïeddine.

Presently one of them, a little, mean-faced, black-bearded fellow with a countenance which reminded Tarzan of Pamba, the rat, laid his hand upon the shoulder of a giant who stood next him, and with whom all the others had been arguing and quarreling. The little man pointed inland, so that the giant was forced to turn away from the others to look in the direction indicated.

She thought that no consideration on earth would induce her to take that mean-faced old man to her breast as her husband, her lord as the one being whom she was to love beyond everybody else in this world.

"What's this you are telling me?" he inquired, finally. The sergeant, a mean-faced, low-browed man, stirred uneasily. "It is God's truth. There are spirits on La Cumbre, and I wish to see the priest about it." "Spirits? What kind of spirits?" The fellow shrugged. "Evil spirits spirits from hell. The men are buying charms." "Bah! I took you to be a sensible person." "You don't believe me?