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Soon after this event Dr McTougall moved into a new house in the same street; I became regularly established as his partner, and Robin Slidder entered on his duties as page in buttons. It is right to observe here that, in deference to his prejudices, the material of his garments was not blue, but dark grey.

I understood the meaning of his last words, and could not help smiling at the presumptuous certainty with which he assumed that he was going to follow my fortunes. Is it needful to say that when I mentioned what had occurred to Dr McTougall that amiable little man opened his eyes to their widest?

Dr McTougall felt as I did in the matter, and so did his friend the City man. I had half expected that Dobson would have laughed at us for what he sometimes styled our softness, because he had so much to do with sharpers and sharp practice, but I was mistaken.

"But are you sure, Dr McTougall, that all the household is saved?" I asked, becoming more thoroughly awake to the tremendous reality of the scene through which I had just passed. "Sure! my good fellow, d'you think I'd be talking thus quietly to you if I were not sure? Yes, thanks to you and the firemen, under God, there's not a hair of their heads injured."

From that date forward, for many weeks, the number of lost grandmothers that were found in the McTougall nursery surpasses belief. They were discovered in all sorts of places, and in all imaginable circumstances under beds, tables, upturned baths, and basin-stands; in closets, trunks, and cupboards, and always in a condition of woeful weakness and melancholy destitution.

All I know is that he's Mister Mellon, and he's bin rather knocked up by But, bless me, I forgot: I was to say nothing about the the fire till Dr McTougall had seen you. How stoopid of me; but things will slip out!" He stopped abruptly, and placed his brown paper parcel on the bed. "Now, I say, look here, Mister Six-foot or wotever's your name," said Slidder, with intense eagerness.

But the reception accorded me by the doctor and his family was as nothing to the wild welcome lavished upon me by Dumps. That loving creature came more nearly to the bursting-point than I had ever seen him before. His spirit was obviously much too large for his body. He was romping with the McTougall baby when I entered.

"My dear," said Mrs McTougall one evening to the doctor, "since that little boy Slidder came to stay with us things have become worse and worse; in fact, the house is almost unbearable." "My dear," responded Dr McTougall, "you amaze me; surely the boy has not dared to be rude insolent to you?" "Oh no, it's not that; but he must really be forbidden to enter the nursery.

First, then, although I knew that my prospects of success as a partner of Dr McTougall were most encouraging, I felt that it would be foolish to think of marriage until my position was well established and my income adequate. I therefore strove with all my might to check the flow of my thoughts towards Miss Blythe. As well might I have striven to restrain the flow of Niagara.

But I'll go and inquire for myself this wery evenin' w'en you're all settled an comf'rable, an' w'en I've got Mrs Jones to look arter you." That evening, accordingly, when Robin Slidder as I shall now call him was away making his inquiries, Dr McTougall called on Mrs Willis. She was very weak and low at the time.