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The usual big Saturday crowd was in attendance, noisy, demonstrative and exacting. In this sixth inning the first man up for Rochester had flied to McCall. Then had come the two plays significant of Rube's weakening. He had hit one batter and walked another.

There was his finger marks on it all right and no one else's. The gun is there," pointing to a table, among miscellaneous odds and ends, "and nobody touched it. The door was locked from inside and so was the window of the bedroom. They tell me he always slept with the door and window locked." "How did he get air during the night?" asked McCall. "Through that."

Though Captain McCall was an eyewitness of some of the scenes he describes, the picture he draws might seem to be too highly colored were it not supplemented by a great mass of evidence. One more instance out of many may be given. In a skirmish with the Americans under Colonel Harden, Brown captured several prisoners.

He was sorry that it would be impossible for him to attend the meeting; fortunately, all the usual preliminaries were complete. He took a piece of notepaper from a little hanging cupboard, and, sprawling across the table, began to write under the lantern. The pencil seemed a tiny toy in his thick roughened fingers: 'To Mr. Andrew McCall, Chairman Queen's Arms Slate Club.

"A backwoodsman named Trimble went to Rutledge with credentials from North Carolina, and has gone off to Cherokee Ford to join McCall." "Bless my soul!" exclaimed the first gentleman. He came up and laid his hand on my shoulder, and said: "Where is Mr. Temple?" "That I don't know, sir." "When did he go away?" I did not answer at once. "That I can't tell you, sir." "Was there any one with him?"

If he came back as this child wished, all the annoyance which that entailed would follow him, and the humiliating circumstances which had led to it would be brought to life from their unclean graves. His father believed him dead. Better the quiet, softened grief which that had left than the disgrace which would follow his return. "I should have to tell him my wife's story," muttered McCall.

We moved in the dark like travelers in the City of Dreadful Night. And so we came at last to the red-brick bank, approaching it by the long stretch of the McCall garden which adjoins it. For years there have been battered "For Sale" signs tacked onto its trees and fences, but no one ever came nearer purchasing the McCall property than asking the price.

But as nobody could possibly gain entrance to the vaults from above, the upper portion of the building, given over to offices, was of course quite unguarded. One reached these upper offices by a long walled passageway to the left, where the sidewall of the bank adjoins the McCall garden.

The Georgia frontiersmen seem to have been peculiarly brutal in their conduct to the Creeks; but the latter were themselves very little, if at all, better. McCall; five families captured, in three skirmishes eight whites were killed and six Indian scalps taken. McCall; the Tennessee historians erroneously assign the command to Col. McBury.

While in the 7th infantry I was in the company of Captain Holmes, afterwards a Lieutenant-general in the Confederate army. I never came in contact with him in the war of the Rebellion, nor did he render any very conspicuous service in his high rank. My transfer carried me to the company of Captain McCall, who resigned from the army after the Mexican war and settled in Philadelphia.