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"Manny's th' man on a throne wishes his father'd brought him up a cooper, what with wages bein' docked be parlymints an' ragin' arnychists r-runnin' wild with dinnymite bombs undher their ar-rms an' carvin'-knives in their pockets. "Onaisy, as Hogan says, is th' head that wears a crown. They'se other heads that're onaisy, too; but ye don't hear iv thim.

"Aw, Doctor dear," said he, "manny's the time in County Inniskillen, where you come from, you've seen a wild thing, bare-footed, springin' from stone to stone on the hillside, wid her hair flyin' behind like the daughter of a witch or somethin' only half human- so belongin' to the hills an' the bogs an' the cromlechs was she.

An' he niver makes a speech but whin he wants to smoke, an' thin he moves that th' sinit go into executive session. Thin he's a rale sinitor. I've seen it manny's th' time th' boy orator goin' into th' sinit, an' comin' out a deef mute.

F'r th' las' tin years I've been thryin' to decide whether 'twud be good policy an' thrue to me thraditions to make this here bar two or three feet longer, an' manny's th' night I've laid awake tryin' to puzzle it out. But I don't know what to do with th' Ph'lippeens anny more thin I did las' summer, befure I heerd tell iv thim.

'A man, says he, 'can live f'r months on a little booze taken fr'm time to time, he says 'They'se a gr-reat dale iv nourishment in it, he says. An' I believe him, f'r manny's th' man I know that don't think iv eatin' whin he can get a dhrink. I wondher if the time will iver come whin ye'll see a man sneakin' out iv th' fam'ly enthrance iv a lunch-room hurridly bitin' a clove!

Manny's th' time I done th' thrick, Jawn, me an' th' others; but now I break me back broachin' a kag iv beer, an' th' height iv me daily exercise is to wind th' clock befure turnin' in, an' count up th' cash." "You haven't been trying to skate?" Mr. McKenna asked in tones of alarm. "Not me," said Mr. Dooley. "Not me, but Hinnissy have.

"Manny's the wan would be huggin' the warm boiler-head these times, and shtickin' his head out of the windy to holler, 'G'wan, boys; pitch it out lively now, and be dommed to yez! But Misther Foord ain't built the like o' that. He'll be as deep in that freezin' purgatory up yander in th' drift as the foremist wan of thim." The Irishman's praise was not unmerited.

And then, for Uncle Manny's sake too. 'There now, said Jacinth, not sorry to turn aside the reproach which conscience told her she had merited. 'You are saying the very thing you blamed me for but truly, Francie, I didn't mean anything not nice to dear granny.

'Twas 'Good mornin', Misther Dooley, an' will ye come in an' have a cup iv tay, an' 'How d'ye do Misther Dooley, I didn't see ye at mass this mornin', an' 'Martin, me boy, dhrop in an' take a hand at forty-fives. Th' young ladies has been ask in' me ar-re ye dead. I was th' pop'lar idol, ye might say, an' manny's th' black look I got over th' shouldher at picnic an' wake.

Manny's the time I've shwept an' vacuumed Miss Van Allen's own bedroom an' boodore. An' likewise the music room an' parlure an' all. Yis, sor, I'm here frekint." "What other servants does Miss Van Allen employ?" "Nobody that lives in, 'ceptin' Miss Julie. But there's the laundry woman, as comes though more often the wash goes out.