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A Manhattanese bred, fond of Brooklyn, fond of Broadway, fond of the life of the wharves and the great ferries, Enterer everywhere, welcomed everywhere, easily understood after all, Never offering others, always offering himself, corroborating his phrenology, Voluptuous, inhabitive, combative, conscientious, alimentive, intuitive, of copious friendship, sublimity, firmness, self-esteem, comparison, individuality, form, locality, eventuality, Avowing by life, manners, words to contribute illustrations of results of These States, Teacher of the unquenchable creed namely egotism, Inviter of others continually henceforth to try their strength against his."

" What care these roarers for the name of king?" Tempest. The Manhattanese will readily comprehend the situation of the two vessels; but those of our countrymen who live in distant parts of the Union, may be glad to have the localities explained.

By the Manhattanese, who is familiar with the forest of masts, the miles of wharves, the countless villas, the hundred churches, the castles, the smoking and busy vessels that crowd his bay, the daily increase and the general movement of his native town, the picture we are about to sketch will scarcely be recognized.

The Manhattanese, who have probably fewer of the peculiarities of the inhabitants of a capital than the population of any other town in the world of four hundred thousand souls, the consequences of a rapid growth, and of a people who have come principally from the country are much addicted to introducing new significations for words, which arise from their own provincial habits.

My first impressions of "the Empire city," as the proud Manhattanese fondly style it, were, certainly, not favourable; rather the contrary, I may say at once, without any "beating about the bush." You see, I landed on a Sunday. It was likewise wet a nasty, drizzling, misty morning, fit to give you the blues with its many disagreeables and make you bless Mackintosh, while cursing Pleiads.

Alas! when I look I find none of the last! The present is barren let's drink to the past." Though strictly a Manhattanese as a sailor, I shall not run into rhapsody on the subject of the beauties of the inner or outer bay of this prosperous place.

Every Manhattanese knows the difference between "Manhattan Island" and the "island of Manhattan." A large proportion of its inhabitants, either restrained by their attachments, or influenced by their fears, affected a neutrality they did not feel.

In Manhattanese parlance, for instance, a 'square' is a 'park, or, even a 'garden' is a 'park. A promenade, on the water, is a 'battery! It is a pity that, in this humour for change, they have not thought of altering the complex and imitative mine of their town.

But Emily Merton was, in a slight degree, more artificial in manner, than it was usual for a Manhattanese female of that day, to be, and this was what Lucy meant; Lucy, who always thought so humbly of herself, and was ever so ready to concede to her rivals all that could plausibly be asked in their behalf.

The company had the right to all mines and minerals had the power of levying and recruiting soldiers in France had the power of manufacturing arms and ammunition had the power of building forts in Canada and had the power of declaring and carrying on war against the American Indians, or, in case of insult, the Colonial Englishmen of New England, or the Manhattanese Dutch.