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And then he thought of Edith not of Edith the mother, but of Edith the girl in the days of his wooing. And he went into Maillard's. The pretty girl at the counter knew him. He was an old customer, and she had often filled orders for him. She had despatched many a costly box to addresses he had given her.

A delicious luncheon, perfectly served by a velvet-footed maid and the old colored butler, followed, and there was a great deal of conversation, a great deal of reminiscing and a great deal of laughter. Cynthia complained that the claret cup was too sweet and that the ices were not frozen enough and had much to say of the ice cream at Maillard's.

"I have brought her a paper of Maillard's sweet things," said Tom; "might I call or send for her?" He darted towards the door as he spoke, but Elizabeth stopped him. "Wait a moment, Tom," she said; "come back here."

That will supply you with Maillard's bonbons for almost a year; will sweeten your bereavement." She rose instantly, with a peculiar sparkle leaping up in her splendid eyes. "There is not gold enough in New York to buy him." "What! I must see this surly brute, that in your estimation is beyond all price.

"Console yourself with the caramels, my fiery Madge," she said, pushing the box across the table, "while I put on my boots. We will go to Maillard's and get some more while we are out. His caramels are decidedly better than Huyler's; don't you think so!" A very busy woman was pretty Mrs. Graham during the next two weeks.

Miss Turner saw signs, she regretted to say, of a lowering in the ideals of American women: of a restlessness, of a desire for what was a false consideration and recognition; for power. Some of her own pupils, alas! were not free from this fault. Ethel Wing, who was next to Honora, nudged her and laughed, and passed her some of Maillard's chocolates, which she had in her pocket.

"I've tried," she said, when her sister appeared in the doorway again, "but I can't, it chokes me." She drank her tea greedily. "I am so thirsty; I believe I've got a fever." But Elizabeth was gone again, and Elsie stood staring at the paté a magnificent affair, she knew it was one of Maillard's best, full of truffles and all sorts of delicious things.

He applied himself diligently to the study of their language, in which he had the assistance of the papers left him by the Abbe Maillard and by devoting three or four hours daily to the task he made such progress that upon reading some of M. Maillard's morning prayers the Indians understood him perfectly and seemed themselves to pray very devoutly.

The ancient dames grin at me, most toothlessly and pleasantly, and since I recklessly distributed all my stock of Maillard's among the urchins I have a large following among the juvenile population. To guard against the impending famine I have obtained from St.

Miss Turner saw signs, she regretted to say, of a lowering in the ideals of American women: of a restlessness, of a desire for what was a false consideration and recognition; for power. Some of her own pupils, alas! were not free from this fault. Ethel Wing, who was next to Honora, nudged her and laughed, and passed her some of Maillard's chocolates, which she had in her pocket.