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"'Phil, said the father, 'send for M'Murt, and let him get the ejectments from M'Slime we shall not, at all events, be insulted and bearded by Papists, or their emissaries, so long as I can clear one of them off the estate. "'But, good God, Mr. M'Clutchy, surely these other Papists you speak of, have not participated in the offences, if such they are, of M'Loughlin and Harman.

"Throth, but it's worth havin', Nancy: where did you get it?" asked M'Kinley. "Hould your wicked tongue, you thief of a heretic," said Nancy, laughing, "when will you larn anything that's good? I got it from one that wouldn't have it if it wasn't good Darby M'Murt, the pilgrim, since you must know."

"Out of the whole townland, sir, all I got was two men for the aveny a goose from Barney Scadden, and her last ten, along wid half-a-dozen eggs, from that dacent creature, widow M'Murt. Throth four fine little clildre she has, if they had anything on them, or anything to keep body and sowl together." "You warned them all, of course?"

"That's not the religious individual I took him to be," said Solomon; "there is much of the leaven of iniquity in him." "Religion be hanged, M'Slime!" said Phil, "what religion could you expect a Papist like him to have?" "M'Murt, call in old Paddy Corrigan." A venerable old man, who, though nearly a hundred years old, stood actually as erect as the Apollo Belvidere himself, now entered.

"What is it for, woman alive?" inquired Owen, as he kicked a three-legged stool out of his way." "What is it for, is it? Och, Owen darlin', sure my two brave cows is lavin' me. Owen M'Murt, the driver, is over wid me beyant, an' has them ready to set off wid.

"Think of him," said Solomon, who could not forgive the allusion to Susanna, "I would fain think of him as becomes a Christian; but, somehow, I could not help feeling, whenever I looked at him, there was the outline of an execution in his face; however, I may be mistaken indeed, I hope I trust I am the villain!" "M'Murt, call in Catharine Tyrrell." "Yes," said Phil, "call in Widow Tyrrell.

"Two of the best looking young women in the parish." "We must only see, then, if they can be rescued also; for that is a duty a pressing duty, certainly." "But I'm afeard, sir, it 'ud take a ship load o' Scripture to convart the three o' them." Who next?" "Why, you may set down Harry M'Murt, of Drinnska. Harry's an unsettled kind of fellow, or as they call him a Rake.

Little hopes I'd have from him, even if I did; he's paid for gatherin' in his rents; but it's well known he wants the touch of nathur for the sufferins of the poor, an' of them that's honest in their intintions." "I'll go over wid you, Rosha, if that will be of any use," replied Owen, composedly; "come, I'll go an' spake to Frank M'Murt.