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For the remainder of that day and during the ensuing night our course led us to the northward and westward close along the northern edge of the great shoal, dotted with its multitudinous cayos and cays, which commences some thirty miles to the eastward of the Boca de Guajaba, through which we had run to escape the frigate's boats, and extends right along the north-eastern coast of Cuba to its most northerly point, terminating at Maya Point at the entrance to Matanzas Bay.

Well, this is exactly the meaning of the Maya words, HELO, HELO, LAMAH ZABAC TA NI, literally: HELO, HELO, now, now; LAMAH, sinking; ZABAC, black ink; TA, over; NI, nose; in our language: Now, now I am sinking; darkness covers my face! No weakness, no despair He merely tells his friends all is over. It is finished! and expires.

The name of this demigod, which signifies ‘the serpent with the quetzal plumes,’ is the Maya form of the Mexican name ‘Quetzalcohuatl,’ which has precisely the same meaning. But we know that the name and worship of this god were brought to the high plateaus of Central America toward the ninth century of our era, consequently the bas-relief in question can not be more ancient.”

They are the cosmic motion picture, as real and as unreal as the theater newsreel you have just seen-a play within a play." My heart was still not comforted. The divine voice went on: "Creation is light and shadow both, else no picture is possible. The good and evil of MAYA must ever alternate in supremacy. If joy were ceaseless here in this world, would man ever seek another?

But be sure to find the way out again. Once you're inside, if you can't find the window, the best thing to do is to fly toward the light. You'll always find plenty of windows in every house. You need only notice where the sun shines through. Are you going already?" "Yes," replied Maya, holding out her hand. "I have some things to attend to. Good-by.

"You swear it is the Prince. But why? Why do you not lie to save him if you are the King's woman?" "Because his mother has trampled me to the earth. I am the Indian woman the mother of the younger, who is dead and safe. She jeered at me she mocked me. It is time I should see her suffer. Suffer now as I have suffered, Maya the Queen!" This was reasonable this was like the women he had known.

Maya was too proud to answer the false creature. She merely said, after a while when she felt she couldn't bear any more: "Please kill me right away." "Really!" said the spider, tying a few torn threads together. "Really! Do you take me to be as big a dunce as yourself?

"You are beautiful," she said to the moth, "beautiful, really." She was awed and solemn. "Who is your companion?" the moth asked the sprite. "A bee. I met her just as I was leaving my flower." The moth seemed to realize what that meant. He looked at Maya almost enviously. "You fortunate creature!" he said in a low, serious, musing tone, shaking his head to and fro.

The most advanced thought of Hindu philosophy is that all is Maya, illusion, the play, the amusement of the Supreme, who leads us to believe that we are, that we have a separate existence, which we have not; but at last the illusion will come to an end, all will be absorbed in Brahm, as the water in the clouds falls into the sea; there will be no conscious existence in the universe.

It stands by itself on a ruined mound apart from the other structures. Kabah was an ancient city. The ruins are old, and the city may have belonged to the first age of the Maya period. The ruins of Chichen-Itza are situated east of Mayapan, about half way between the eastern and western coasts of the peninsula of Yucatan. A public road runs through the space of ground over which they are spread.