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The arguments set forth previously also prove the impossibility of the fictitious existence of an individual soul considered as the abode of avidya, apart from Brahman considered as the abode of Maya.

That was in 1910, and the years since have seen Miss Maya Das in various capacities. First as lecturer, and then as acting principal of Kinnaird College at Lahore, she passed on to girls of her own Province something of Mt. Holyoke's gifts to her. Now in Calcutta, she is Associate National Secretary of the Y.W.C.A.

"Yes," said Maya, with a faint chill of apprehension, "that's so; Cassandra told me about him; she heard of him from the sentinels. He comes when twilight falls and snouts in the grass looking for dead bodies. But do you associate with the hedgehog? Why, he's an awful brute." "I don't think so. We tree-crickets get along with him splendidly. We call him Uncle.

So she sat down upon a white velvet mushroom and fell to thinking, while Maya, the Princess, looked at her from the rose where she lay, and the Queen, having pushed her down robe safely out of the way, leaned her head on her hand, and very properly cried as much as six tears. Soon, like a sunbeam, Cordis looked up.

She was established here as a tourist from Earth; besides, the position and activities of women were prescribed rigidly by Martian colonial convention, and women did not study to become barbers on Mars. She would have to have help. She, thought at once of Nuwell, and as immediately rejected him. "Maya, I don't see why you insist on working alone," he had complained.

Maya Dala remembered the Shway Dagohn, but as to the other pagodas and monasteries, there were many he didn't know he thought they belonged to the monks, or to the caretakers, or to no one at all, or maybe the government. What became of the offerings? He thought they were kept in the pagodas. Sometimes they were sold? It might be so.

Do you usually have eight legs?" "Permit me to explain. We spiders have eight legs. We need them all. Besides, eight is a more aristocratic number. One of my legs got lost. Too bad about it. However you manage, you make the best of it." "It must be dreadfully disagreeable to lose a leg," Maya sympathized.

Maya realized that in those few hours she had been with Dark and talked to him, something had taken root and flowered that had changed her whole outlook on existence. She did not want to call it love; she was a very practical young woman and did not believe in love on such short notice. But, in examining her feelings, she was at a loss as to what else to call it.

At the end of the garden shone the starry tufts of the jasmine delicate yellow faces set in a wreath of pure white sweet perfume wafted to Maya on the soft wings of the breeze. And weren't there still some trees in bloom? Wasn't it the season for lindens? Maya thought delightedly of the big serious lindens, whose tops held the red glow of the setting sun to the very last.

Such people confound the "Absolute" and "Relative" aspects of the One, and, being unable to reconcile the facts of Life and the Universe with their theories of "I Am God," they are driven to the desperate expedient of boldly denying the Universe, and declaring it to be all "an illusion" or "Maya." You will have no trouble in distinguishing the pupils of the teachers holding this view.