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Just then the silent Lur reappeared with a tray. "I say!" protested Matthews. "Whiskey and soda at five o'clock in the morning, in the middle of July " "1914, if you must be so precise!" added Magin jovially. "But why not?" he demanded. "Aren't you an Englishman? You mustn't shake the pious belief in which I was brought up, that you are all weaned with Scotch! Say when.

"Good evening, Hansine," said he, as his horse scrambled up the path close by, "your lur made welcome music this evening." "Good evening, Hr. Bogstad," said she, "are you not lost?" "I was, nearly, until I heard you calling your cows. It is a long way up here but the air and the scenery are grand." "Yes, do you think so? I don't know anything about what they call grand scenery.

By right of precedence, among the legends of the Rhine which possess folklore characteristics is the wonderful legend of the Lorelei, a word derived from the old High German lur, to lurk, and lai, a rock. The height from which the bewitching water-spirit sent her song floating over the waves of the Rhine is situated near St.

One of the odd patches of color drifted by, its vivid scarlet like a jewel spiraling lazily upward. Varta's eyes followed its drift and so were guided to what she had forgotten, the worlds of Asti. "Asti!" Lur was looking up too. "The power of Asti!" Varta's hand went up, rested for a long moment under the sun and then drew it down, carefully, slowly, as she had in Memphir's temple.

But his people knew the art of such communication long before the first priest of Asti had stumbled upon their secret. Let Lur now quiet this outlander. Delicately Lur sought a way into the other's mind, twisting down paths of thought strange to him.

Within her heart she believed that the man they had brought from the ship was truly dead. Lur might hold out the promise of the flowers, but this was a man and he had lain in the water for countless ages So she went with lagging steps, to find Lur busy. He had solved the mystery of the space suit and had stripped it from the unknown.

The eyes belonged to a cautious doorkeeper, who after satisfying himself that the visitors were not enemies admitted the Brazilian and the Lur into a vaulted brick vestibule. Then, having looked to his wards and bolts, he lighted Magin through a corridor which turned into a low tunnel-like passage. This led into a sort of cloister, where a covered ambulatory surrounded a dark pool of stars.

I am sorry that you have been thinking like that about me, because I cannot think of you other than as a friend. Let us not talk about it." If Henrik could not talk about that nearest his heart, he would remain silent, which he did. Signe was gathering some rare ferns and mosses when Hansine's lur sounded through the hills. That was the signal for them, as well as the cows, to come home.

For the rest, the prisoner had the two eyes, the centered nose, the properly shaped mouth which were common to the men of Erb. Hair grew on his head, black and thick and there was a faint shadow of beard on his jaw line. "This is a man " her thought reached Lur. "Why not? Did you expect a serpent? It is a pity he is dead "

"It may be seven years old," corrected Lur. "How can you tell when that branch first dipped into the lake? Yet the flowers do not fade even when withdrawn from the water. This is indeed a mystery!" "Of which I would know more!" Varta dropped the turbi and started on around the edge of the lake.