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There was no withstanding Daylight when he vaulted on the back of life, and rode it bitted and spurred. At one in the morning he saw Elijah Davis herding Henry Finn and Joe Hines, the lumber-jack, toward the door. Daylight interfered. "Where are you-all going?" he demanded, attempting to draw them to the bar. "Bed," Elijah Davis answered.

Folks seem to be guessin' the worker needs somethin' more than his wage. They guess he's gotten some sort of queer soul needin' things he can't pay for. I allow I hadn't seen it that way myself. It mostly seemed to me a hell of a good wage and a full belly was mostly the need of a lumber-jack, and a dead sure thing all he deserved.

It was warm and comparatively clean. But it was dark, without ornament, cheerless. The lumber-jack never expects anything different. In fact, if he were pampered to the extent of ordinary comforts, he would be apt at once to conclude himself indispensable; whereupon he would become worthless. Thorpe, however, spent a little money not much and transformed Camp One.

The hot-headed, determined, fighting lumber-jack whom Father Adam had rescued from furious homicide had hidden himself under something deeper than the veneer which the modest suit of conventional life provides. It was the subtle change that comes from within which had transformed him. It was in his eyes. In the set of his jaws. It was in the man's whole poise.

The lumber-jack will work sixteen, eighteen hours a day, sometimes up to the waist in water full of floating ice; sleep wet on the ground by a little fire; and then next morning will spring to work at daylight with an "Oh, no, not tired; just a little stiff, sir!" in cheerful reply to his master's inquiry, for the right man!

For these were Sisters, and the young man lay in the Hospital of St. Mary. Time was when the lumber-jack who had the misfortune to fall sick or to meet with an accident was in a sorry plight indeed. If he possessed a "stake," he would receive some sort of unskilled attention in one of the numerous and fearful lumberman's boarding-houses, just so long as his money lasted, not one instant more.

Barker has a big place, and hires a good many men, but almost anybody would know a red-haired lumber-jack. There aren't so many of 'em in these parts." "And if he's the tramp that got daddy's old coat then he must have the papers," said Russ. "Well, yes, I suppose so. Unless he's lost 'em or sold 'em," went on Mr. Hurd.

"Say, mam, with all respect, I'd say to you, if you're feeling the way you talk, and look to get the sort of stuff you'd maybe fancy hearing, that's the guy you need to open out to. As you say, I'm the head camp-boss on the Skandinavia's limits. I've had nigh twenty years an' more experience of the lumber-jack. An' I'm tellin' you the things any camp-boss speakin' truth'll tell you.

Or if Jack resisted temptation and walked resolutely on, one of the girls would remark audibly to another. "He ain't no lumber-jack! You can see that easy 'nuff! He's jest off th' hay-trail!" Ten to one that brought him, for the woodsman is above all things proud and jealous of his craft.

Sam's mental faculties had been occupied in observing the activities and guessing the probable fate of a lumber-jack gaily decked in scarlet sash and blue overalls, who was the central figure upon a flaming calendar tacked up behind Mr. Maitland's desk, setting forth the commercial advantages of trading with the Departmental Stores of Stillwell & Son.