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The party start for the coast How the carrying of the gold was arranged The escort Character of the country they passed through Halt at noon An alarm A discovery The escort return, keeping a sharp look-out A merry evening The narrative resumed A loud whistle "The best part of the gold is lost" The party are sullen and angry Malcolm is missing Don Luis's explanation A lasso whirls through the air A horse shot Malcolm falls to the ground Bradley fires, and with effect Retire to cover A discharge of rifles The enemy wheel off Malcolm's horse is missing Malcolm found to be insensible More horsemen Tomas Maria Carillo Robberies at the mines Brutal conduct A litter procured Malcolm conveyed to a shanty A kind Californian woman A volley of inquiries about the gold "It is the doctor you have to thank for that" The Author's reflections.

At the same time, I will send for the examining magistrate; and the case against her is sure to be dismissed at once." He swiftly gave orders for continuing the investigations and verifying Don Luis's theories. Then, turning to Perenna: "Come, Monsieur," he said. "It is right that Mme. Fauville should thank her rescuer. Mazeroux, you come, too."

Don Luis's fingers, which had first gripped the roots of the grass, were now vainly clutching the stones of the wall. And his shoulders were sinking lower and lower into the well. "We've done it!" spluttered the villain, in the midst of his convulsions of merriment. "Lord, how good it is to laugh! Especially when one so seldom does. Yes, I'm a wet blanket, I am; a first-rate man at a funeral!

So he started back, soft-footed. Presently they came in sight of a human being seated on Reade's trunk. "Nicolas!" breathed Tom. "But what are you doing here?" "I am your servant," replied the Mexican, calmly. "Wrong; you're Don Luis's servant." "But he ordered me to wait on you both unceasingly, senor."

Remember that Cosmo Mornington's will explicitly states that no heir's claim will be valid unless he is present at to-day's meeting." "And suppose he does not come?" asked the Prefect, thus showing that Don Luis's conviction had gradually got the better of his doubts. "He will come, Monsieur le Préfet. If not, there would have been no sense in all this business.

Then she turned away, swiftly, unable to stand longer looking into Don Luis's eyes. Through the day Tom and Harry had tramped about almost feverishly, stopping at intervals as though for rest. Now, in the late afternoon, they were on their way back to camp by a route that took them not far from Don Luis's grounds. As they came within sight of the place, Tom espied Montez and Dr.

"I have no preconceived opinion on the subject of this young lady," said the Prefect of Police, in an authoritative voice. "But it is my duty to question her about the circumstances that brought her here; and I shall certainly do so." He released the girl from Don Luis's grasp and made her take a seat.

Every morning Florence Levasseur sorted Don Luis's post in his presence and read out the newspaper articles referring to himself or bearing upon the Mornington case. Not a single allusion was made to the fierce fight that had been waged against him for two days. It was as though a truce had been proclaimed between them; and the enemy appeared to have ceased his attacks for the moment.

Speaking very slowly, with his eyes fixed on Don Luis's eyes, he said: "Whoever the culprit may be, I know nothing more terrible than this work of hatred." "It is an even more improbable work than you can imagine, Monsieur le Préfet," said Perenna, with growing animation, "and it is a hatred of which you, who do not know Sauverand's confession, cannot yet estimate the violence.

She shook down the beautiful tresses of her long luxuriant hair, and, parting them with both hands around her delicate throat, stood calmly waiting in Don Luis's movements the signal for her own destruction. "Fool!" he muttered, as involuntarily he fell back, awed in spite of his every effort to the contrary at a firmness as unexpected as it was unwavering. "Fool!