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"No decent bird will have anything to do with them. They lay their eggs in our nests and we have to bring up their lubberly children for them. If I were you I'd drive them away next time and let the flies bite. What's your tail for, anyhow, except to switch the flies off?" "Really, I don't know," said the Muley Cow. She felt somewhat foolish.

"Run up the ensign and number," said I to the men who were stationed at the signal-halliards; and away went the bunting fluttering aloft, the flags all abroad, in the lubberly fashion which prevailed at that time in the French navy. In a few seconds our signal was read; and, in response, up went the frigate's number, which little Smellie read out as it was going aloft. "Private signal pennant.

"Well, patient," he said, "what do you think of that?" "Nothing at all," cried the lad. "No fish would ever take that. What do you call it?" "A bumble-bee, and the fish will take it, Mr Cleversides; but not if they see a big lubberly boy staring at them with his arm in a sling, or an old grey-headed man, either, Ralph. There, don't frown.

He looked round and up at Captain Blood, who stood beside him. "D'ye know anything of astronomy, Peter?" quoth he. "Astronomy, is it? Faith, now, I couldn't tell the Belt of Orion from the Girdle of Venus." "Ah! And I suppose all the others of this lubberly crew share your ignorance." "It would be more amiable of you to suppose that they exceed it."

It's like a whole flotilla attacking one vessel a lubberly proceeding at the best, and I'll be hanged if I like it. I should like to pour in a broadside into those fellows, just to let them see it wasn't a proper English mode of fighting. Shouldn't you, Jack?" "Ay, ay, sir, I should." "Shiver me, if I see an opportunity, if I don't let some of those rascals know what's what."

Quite a gift of putting things clearly, if I may be allowed to say so, you seem to possess, Mr. Selingman. Now here's my reply as one of the poor Anglo-Saxons from the West who've got to make room in the best parts of the world for your lubberly German colonists.

"The lubberly milksop!" muttered the Captain betwixt his teeth. "But what," he added aloud, "are the red skins looking at so sharp out to sea?" While this conversation had been going on, the attention of the savages had been arrested by an object floating on the water. It rose and fell on the heaving sea, at one moment visible, and at the next hid from view.

"And here you sees Jack Pringle," said that individual, introducing himself, since no one appeared inclined to do that office for him, "a tar for all weathers. One as hates the French, and is never so happy as when he's alongside o' some o' those lubberly craft blazing away." "That's uncommonly true," remarked the admiral. "Will you walk in, sir?" said Henry, courteously.

"Why, you lubberly lying swab, how dare you say so?" "Because you was." "You slave-going scoundrel!" "For Heaven's sake, do not quarrel at such a time as this!" said Henry; "we shall be surrounded in a moment. Come, Mr. Marchdale, let you and I visit these people, and ascertain what it is that has so much excited their indignation."

It's very nice to be a big lubberly boy; much better than being a worn-out old man, with not much longer to live. Ah, you laugh at my bumble-bee, and it certainly is not like one, but the best I can do, and I find it a great bait for a chevin, if used with guile.