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A great wolf-hound, who considers himself in charge of the old-fashioned farmhouse, cannot understand why his master, aged six, should be sitting on the knees of the Marechal des Logis, the iron man who drives the big car. "But you are French, little one?" says the giant, with a yearning arm round the child. "Yes," very slowly mouthing the French words; "I can't speak French but I am French."

Nous avons eu transformation de societe, inventaire, assemblee d'actionnaires, tout cela m'a donne un effrayant surcroit de besogne et de fatigue, et je n'avais pas le courage de reprendre la plume lorsque je rentrais au logis, harasse et souffrant. Aujourd'hui nos affaires commencent a reprendre leur cours normal."

There was one man of the name of Goguelat, a brute of the first water, who had enjoyed no touch of civilisation beyond the military discipline, and had risen by an extreme heroism of bravery to a grade for which he was otherwise unfitted that of marechal des logis in the 22nd of the line.

"Go on, my child," said a man with silvery hair. This was Provost. "Yes, it won't be as long as a scene from a play," exclaimed Augustine Brohan, the one woman present. I began again: Deux pigeons s'aimaient d'amour tendre, L'un d'eux s'ennuyant au logis Fut assez.... "Louder, my child, louder," said a little man with curly white hair, in a kindly tone. This was Samson.

They acted as interpreters for him and gave him instructions in French. In the few weeks the company was camped near Havre, Paul acquired a little knowledge of the most necessary words and learned thoroughly to understand the commands given in French. He was instructed in the manual of arms by the Marschal de Logis.

Tavannes, we know, had been slow to obey the summons. Emerging from the crowd, he found that the King, with Retz and Rambouillet, his Marshal des Logis, had retired to the farther end of the Chamber; apparently Charles had forgotten that he had called.

I must come to play at Blind Harry and Hy Spy with them. But what is all this? added Pleydell, taking up the plans. 'Tower in the centre to be an imitation of the Eagle Tower at Caernarvon corps de logis the devil! Wings wings! Why, the house will take the estate of Ellangowan on its back and fly away with it! 'Why, then, we must ballast it with a few bags of sicca rupees, replied the Colonel.

I must come to play at Blind Harry and Hy Spy with them. But what is all this? added Pleydell, taking up the plans. 'Tower in the centre to be an imitation of the Eagle Tower at Caernarvon corps de logis the devil! Wings wings! Why, the house will take the estate of Ellangowan on its back and fly away with it! 'Why, then, we must ballast it with a few bags of sicca rupees, replied the Colonel.

Rising from nothing, he became Grand Marechal des Logis in the royal household: he arrived at that office by a perfect romance. He was one of the best made men in France, and was much in favour with the ladies. He first appeared at the Court at a time when much duelling was taking place, in spite of the edicts.

The manner of his death, however, gainsayed the calumny; although so slight had been the respect felt for his sacred office, that the ex-Queen Marguerite had no sooner taken possession of his hôtel, than the following placard was found affixed to the entrance-gate: "Comme Reine, tu devais être En ta royale maison; Comme , c'est bien raison Que tu loge an logis d'un prêtre."