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"Then you see, monsieur, that there is no use throwing us overboard just now, because we should drift away to the westward, and your late vessel and crew must be somewhere to the eastward," said I, as boldly as I could, though I had no little difficulty in getting out the words. "Ah! you von Jack-a-napes, you von poule littel fighting coc, I see," he remarked in an altered tone.

So "goe forth, littel boke," and make thyself a friend among those good husbandmen, who tend the trees of knowledge, and bring their fruit to the world's market. O, happy unimaginable vacancy of mind, to whistle as you walk for want of thought! O, mental holiday, now as impossible to me, as to take a true school-boy's interest in rounders and prisoner's base!

"Ach, mein Herr! do you see dis great piece broken out of de blade? Dat vas caused by a voman's neck. De executioner could not cut it drough; her neck vas harder dan his sword. She vas a very vicked voman; she poisoned her fader. Do you see dis littel nick? Dis vas made by a great trater to the Kaiser and Vaterland. I vill tell you all about it."

Into one of the pockets of the jacket he had put a note which ran thus: DEAR MRS. MARTIN: Pleas giv thes cloes to the bishop and tell him i wud not have took them away if i had had any others. I did not take shoes or stockins. I keep the littel testament and i read in it evry day. Tell him i am trying to be good and when i get good enuf I shall go and see him.

"Wahna littel money for milk," she said, when at length their attention was drawn to her. "But you get your money, every Saturday," the secretary informed her kindly. She shook her head. "Baby die, 'less I have littel milk I show you."

That time I was shot at Canada de Oro would have made me sick if it had been a littel lower or if I was much of a drinking man. You will be well if you give over city life and take a hunt with me about August or say September for then the elk will be out of the velvett. "Things do not please me here just now and I am going to settel it by vamosing. But I would be glad to see you.

Gransfield Dear honrabel Sir, I would be pleased to ask you Sir if you would be pleased to give me and my wife a littel poor close. I was going in the Bay to cut some wood. But I am all amost blind and cant Do much so if you would spear me some Sir I would Be very thankful to you Sir. Calls to visit the sick are continuously received. The following are genuine examples: Reverance dr. Grandfell.

Dear boss i got cleaned out agin what did you send me a hundred dollars for you might have knowed that id make a gol darned fool of myself with so much coin i never could keep no coin no how but its all right anyway cause me an eds comin home tomorrow eds all right except bein a littel week which the doc says he git over in a littel while. ta ta.

If she be very troublesome, I can teach thee how to break her heart in a twelvemonth; and honestly too; or the precept would not be mine. I enclose a new earnest of my future favour. I must confesse I am infinitely obliged to your Honner's bounty. But this last command! It seems so intricket! Lord be merciful to me, how have I been led from littel stepps to grate stepps!

So "goe forth, littel boke," and make thyself a friend among those good husbandmen, who tend the trees of knowledge, and bring their fruit to the world's market. O, happy unimaginable vacancy of mind, to whistle as you walk for want of thought! O, mental holiday, now as impossible to me, as to take a true school-boy's interest in rounders and prisoner's base!