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Limpy-toes and Buster rode around the village in the automobile and invited the children to come to Miss Squeaky's school. Limpy-toes got quite angry with Grandpa Bull Frog. "He was ever so impolite, Mammy," he complained. "He said he'd never send his family to a Graymouse school.

We must hurry, or Uncle Squeaky will catch up and laugh to find us by the roadside." Grand-daddy and Pa Field-Mouse were standing on the bungalow steps talking earnestly together when Limpy-toes drove up. "A fine automobile, Pa Field-Mouse," said Grand-daddy, waving his paw. "My grandson is a great inventor; he will be famous some day." "Ah!" cried Buster, "how good our Gray Rock Bungalow looks!

He bent and patched and mended it until at last the poor old machine would go once more. "But it is a worse chug-chug than ever," sighed Limpy-toes. "Some day I will build a better one and lock it away from Wiggle's mischievous paws." Dr. Whiskers shut up Wild Rose Cottage and they all moved over to Gray Rock until they should leave the Lake. But Mrs.

Giant's pantry and it is a wonder she ever got back down cellar. She is all rolled up in sticky fly-paper. And me with four sick babies on my paws!" "I'll come at once, Tim," agreed Dr. Whiskers. "Limpy-toes and I will soon fix things all right." He called Limpy-toes to help carry his heavy bag. "We'll not take the automobile," he decided. "The Giants might hear it chug-chug.

One fine day, when Mother Graymouse had taken Baby Squealer down cellar to call upon Aunt and Uncle Squeaky, and Limpy-toes had been sent to the store across the street, they planned a pleasure trip of their own. "Silvy and Limpy-toes often visit the playroom and have a lovely time," whispered Tiny. "Let's go, you and I." "Let's go!" agreed Teenty, clapping her paws.

Mother Graymouse, with her family lived in a cosy attic which was as snug and comfortable as any good mouse could wish. Her children were named Limpy-toes, Silver Ears, Buster, Teenty and Tiny, and Baby Squealer. Although they had many faults, upon the whole they were good children and made a happy family.

"I'll love to come if Doctor Grand-daddy doesn't find any patients for me to nurse," agreed Silver Ears. "Let's ask Limpy-toes to take us over to Gray Rock Bungalow in the automobile tonight. Mammy and Aunt Squeaky will wish to hear about your school." "I must ask Pa Squeaky to fetch his fiddle and teach the kiddies some new music. Mrs.

The automobile made a dash through the chrysanthemum bushes into the driveway. On and on they sped, past the new barn, by the poultry houses and the sweet apple tree. Grand-daddy pulled his cap closer. "Ah!" cried Buster, "this is fun. But is it running away, Limpy-toes?" "Oh, no, I am steering it and can stop any minute," answered Limpy-toes. "A wonderful invention," praised Grand-daddy.

We like to make our own playthings." Then Buster and Limpy-toes had to tell the cousins all about the wonderful toys in the Giant's play-room. It was a long story. By the time it was finished, Dot called them to a nice lunch. In the afternoon, Uncle Squeaky and his wife returned from the city. "Bless my stars!" cried Uncle Squeaky, "if here aren't three of the Graymouse kiddies!

So the seven little patchwork sewers climbed into Limpy-toes' wonderful automobile. "Be careful of that bandage, Teenty," warned Dr. Grand-daddy. "I don't want you to bleed any more." Away they whizzed; along the blue Lakeside, by Polly-Wog Bridge, through the Pine Grove, and up Laurel Lane, only stopping now and then while Limpy-toes twisted up the spring and the kiddies gathered wild flowers.