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Lezzard died," said Phoebe. "What'll faither think then?" Will laughed bitterly. "I'll see a few's dabbed up on his awn damned outer walls, if I've got to put 'em theer myself. An' as to the lists, I'll make 'em this very night. Ban't my way to let the dust fall upon a job marked for doin'. To-night I'll draw the items." "Us was gwaine to stay along with 'e, Will," said his mother.

Every one of her relations is savage about it." "Well they may be. Why doan't they lock her up? If she ban't mad, nobody ever was. 'Money'! Lezzard! Lying auld auld Tchut! Not money enough to pay for a graave to hide his rotten bones, I lay. Oh, 't is enough to theer, what 's the use of talkin'? Tchut Tchut!" At this point Phoebe, fearing even greater extravagances in Mr.

I knawed that tree three year ago to give a hogshead an' a half as near as damn it. That wan tree, mind, with no more than a few baskets of 'Redstreaks' added." "An' a shy bearer most times, tu," added Mr. Lezzard. "Just so; then come next year, by some mischance, me being indoors, if they didn't forget to christen un!

"That's not the talk as'll make Newtake pay, Will. You 'm worse than poor Blee to Monks Barton. He's gwaine round givin' out theer ban't no God 't all, 'cause Mrs. Coomstock took auld Lezzard 'stead of him." "You may laugh if you like, mother. 'Tis the fashion to laugh at me seemin'ly. But I doan't care. Awnly you'll be sorry some day, so sure as you sit in thicky chair.

Lyddon. "This love-making 's like to wreck the end of my life, wan way or another, yet. 'T is bad enough with the young; but when it comes to auld, bald-headed fules like you an' Lezzard " "As to violence, I wouldn't touch un wi' the end of a dung-fork I wouldn't. But I'm gwaine to lay his lie wance an' for all. I be off to parson this instant moment.

No word or anything left?" "Nothing; an' theer's a purty strong faith she'm in the river, poor lamb. Theer's draggin' gwaine to be done in the ugly bits. I heard tell of it to the village, wheer I'd just stepped up to see auld Lezzard moved to the work'ouse. A wonnerful coorious, rackety world, sure 'nough! Do make me giddy." "Does Will know?" asked Mr. Lyddon.

A braave tantara 'mongst the fam'ly, I tell 'e. Not a stiver all ate up in a 'nuity, an' her artful limb! just died on the last penny o' the quarter's payment. An' Lezzard left at the work'us door poor auld zawk! An' him fourscore an' never been eggicated an' never larned nothin'!" "To think it might have been your trouble, Blee!" "That's it, that's it! That's what I be full of!