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She had no rug; but the Frenchman insisted on lending her his, tucking it round her knees and under her feet. Then she was comfortable, and even more grateful to him than he had been to her for translating him to the porter. He was dark and thin, cynically intelligent looking, of a type new to Mary; and she thanked him for being disappointed that she could not stop in Paris.

I think he would suit you exactly, and, when you are through with him, send him back; we are only lending him, mind, and he went out into the shop.

September 14th. As the soldiers belonging to the next posta meant to return, and we should together make a party of five, and all armed, I determined not to wait for the expected troops. My host, the lieutenant, pressed me much to stop. As he had been very obliging not only providing me with food, but lending me his private horses I wanted to make him some remuneration.

Then the policeman told me 'the weather. Even an Englishman is not stupid enough to pay twenty-five cents for that. I am only telling you this to explain why we are so impecunious." "The policeman won't prevent my lending you £200." "Won't he now? There's no knowing what a policeman can't do in this country. They are very good-natured, all the same."

On the other hand, if a government bondholder could secure slightly more than three percent by lending to a private borrower, he would return his bonds to the government, take out the corresponding amount in greenbacks and lend it to the producer on his private note or mortgage. This would involve, of course, the possible inflation of legal tender currency to the amount of outstanding bonds.

There is many a father, sir, that would have hirsled you at once either to the altar or the field. My esteem for your character " "Mr. Drummond," I interrupted, "if you have any esteem for me at all, I will beg of you to moderate your voice. It is quite needless to rowt at a gentleman in the same chamber with yourself and lending you his best attention."

There were other women on the ship, and one of them came forward and led me away to her cabin and aided me to rid myself of my drenched garments, lending me others in their stead.

Price; "but I dare not venture without Master Rowland's consent: he will do everything himself, issue his orders even, although Dr. Fulford's been upstairs lending his advice these ten minutes." "A fudge for doctors when there's a helpful woman at hand, Mrs. Price?

"How did he hear of that?" cried Vernon, roused by the malignity of the Fates. "From the landlady, trying to comfort him. And a story of her lending shoes and stockings while those of the young lady were drying.

They started well, swimming of course abreast, and with Hannibal coming behind, but after a time they began to get deeper in the water, and to be swimming with more effort, fighting so fiercely at last that if it had not been for Hannibal lending them a helping hand, they would have been swept away.