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Many of them go to school for only a few months in the year, compulsory education laws either being laxly enforced or else altogether lacking. A very small percentage of the children of the farm ever complete eight grades of schooling, and not a large proportion finish more than half of this amount. This leaves the child who has to depend on the rural school greatly handicapped in education.

They think so... so" Johanna hesitated for a word "so laxly on earnest subjects. And it is telling on Ephie Look, for instance, at Mr. Dove! I don't want to say anything against him, in particular. He is really more serious than the rest. But for some time now, he has been making himself ridiculous," Johanna had blushed for Dove on the occasion of his last visit.

He thought it was the gray dawn, and sought to roll over on his rock bed away from the sheltering embrace of Blake. The engineer was still deep in profound slumber. His big arm slipped laxly from across the moving man's breast. The change of position wrung a groan from Ashton. Every muscle in his body was cramped, every bruise stiff and sore.

The point that Mr. Direck had made about the barn rankled in his thoughts. His barn was a barn no longer, his farmyard held no cattle; he was just living laxly in the buildings that ancient needs had made, he was living on the accumulated prosperity of former times, the spendthrift heir of toiling generations.

Not that he ever offended her by rudeness, or addressed to her a word which she ought not to hear, for Mr. Pen was a gentleman, and by nature and education polite to every woman high and low; but he spoke lightly and laxly of women in general; was less courteous in his actions than in his words neglectful in sundry ways, and in many of the little offices of life.

Sully finds 'odd enough, a sentiment in which we may all agree with him. This is exactly the oddity which his explanation does not explain. While psychological science, in this example, seems to treat matters of evidence rather laxly, psychical conjecture, on the other hand, leaves much unexplained. Thus Mr. Myers puts forward a theory which is, in origin, due to St. Augustine.

For it is obvious that when the need among a whole population is general, things possessed by the richer classes, which in normal circumstances might not have been considered luxuries, instantly become such. However then the words are taken, however strictly or laxly interpreted, it must always be remembered that the terms used by the Scholastics do not really solve the problem.

He said, 'I may, perhaps, have said this; for nobody, at times, talks more laxly than I do. I ventured to suggest to him, that this was dangerous from one of his authority. I spoke of living in the country, and upon what footing one should be with neighbours.

He was living the fulfilment of his dreams in exile, lounging in the stern in the ancient clothes he had purchased, his feet stretched comfortably before him in their broken shoes, one foot upon a thwart, the other hanging overside so laxly that occasional ripples lapped the run-over heel.

Darco stared a moment, for the young man's beard and moustache were fully grown, and they disguised him. 'Oh! he said at last. 'Id is Armstronk. How do you do? He held out his hand somewhat laxly, but Paul took it in both his and wrung it fervently. 'I can't tell you how glad I am to see you.