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Now, like a naiad at a fountain, does she lave that charming face and those ductile limbs in the limpid and rose-scented waters of a portable bath, sculptured in marble and supported by four little Cupids with gilded wings; then, like the fabled mermaid, does she arrange her shining hair in that style of beautiful simplicity which is so becoming, and so seldom successfully accomplished, even by women of undoubted taste.

They drink and drink until, if I'm driving them away, they stagger as they fly and turn somersaults in the air. If I lave them alone, they cling to the grasses, shivering happy like; and I'm blest, Mother Duncan, if the best of them could be unlocking the front door with a lead pencil, even." "I never heard of anything sae surprising," said Mrs. Duncan.

When he returned with it, he found Ericson and Miss St. John talking together. Ericson led the way, and the others followed. 'Whaur are ye gaein', gentlemen? asked the guard, as they passed the coach. 'To the auld hoose, answered Robert. 'Ye canna do better. I maun bide wi' the coch till the lave gang back to Drumheid wi' the horses, on' fess anither pole.

"Now, pile your rifles you will not want them any more and come with me. I have said good night to the general, but he will excuse me." Still bewildered, the boys did as they were ordered. As they were piling their rifles, they heard a loud blubbering. Looking round, they saw Tim Doyle, weeping most copiously. "What is the matter, Tim?" "Matter! Your honor, ain't yer going to lave us?

"Well, Miss," replied Biddy, "don't be cast down; for my part I'd always hope for the best. Who knows, Miss, but a betther lave may be turned up for you yet? I'd hould a naggin' that God nivir intinded an innocent creature like you to spind the rest of your life in sadness and sorrow, as you're doin'. Always hope for the best." "Ah, Biddy," she replied, "you don't know what you speak of.

"I thought that was the part of the coow that ye were goin' to be sinsible enough to lave behind while we built a fire around the rist and had enough of a maal to stay the pangs of hunger." Without waiting to hear the response of his companion, Terry ran among the trees and began gathering wood with which to start a blaze. Both boys were such experts at this that only a brief time was necessary.

"I haven't a sponge or towel, but I'll just wash your face in salt wather and lave you to dry in the sun." He filled the bailing tin with sea water. "I don't want to wash!" shouted Dick. "Stick your face into the water in the tin," commanded Paddy. "You wouldn't be going about the place with your face like a sut-bag, would you?" "Stick yours in!" commanded the other.

Shut up under the stifling roof of a khan, you will sicken and die. No longer will the women and children of the tent bring you barley, camel's milk, or dhourra in the hollow of their hands. No longer will you gallop free as the wind across the desert; no longer cleave the waters with your breast, and lave your sides in the pure stream. If I am to be a slave, at least you shall go free.

She was his only child the humble but solitary flower that blossomed for him upon the desert of life. "I lave her wid you," he said, addressing Mrs. Burke with tears in his eyes, "as the only treasure an' happiness I have in this world. She is the poor man's lamb, as I have hard read out of Scripture wanst; an' in lavin' her undher your care, I lave all my little hopes in this world wid her.

The Earl's body is now at Thorndon, in Essex. Below is Surtees' beautiful ballad, "Lord Derwentwater's Farewell." Near to Corbridge the waters of the Tyne lave the ancient piers of the old Roman bridge which led to Corstopitum, the most considerable of the Roman stations in this region.