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For the past week as we trailed up the North Platte, some one of us visited the river daily to note its stage of water, for we were due to cross at Forty Islands, about twelve miles south of old Fort Laramie. The North Platte was very similar to the South Canadian, a wide sandy stream without banks; and our experience with the latter was fresh in our memories.

Just before sunset that evening, our party had been increased by the arrival of an officer of the United States army and four men, who were on their way from Fort Laramie to Fort Harwood, on the other side of the mountains; but they had been deserted by their Indian guide, and having been unable to find the entrance to the pass, were well-nigh worn out with fatigue and vexation when they caught sight of Roaring Water Farm.

He wandered from the bank into Harry Tenison's gambling rooms Harry having sold out his livery stable to Joe Kitchen shortly before that just to look on for a little while before starting home. When Laramie did start home, Tenison had all his steer money and Laramie owed the sober-faced gambler, besides, one hundred dollars. Laramie then went to work on the range for twenty-five dollars a month.

Isa Blagg handed him his box, which was partly open, showing about a dozen matches with pink heads. "Ah," Kiddie nodded. "Where'd you get 'em?" "Bought 'em in Brierley's saloon in Laramie," said Isa. "Why?" "Nothing," replied Kiddie, "only they're the same sort as a broken one I found in the canoe. Chap as left that pipe must have tried to light it in a high wind.

He, accordingly, arranged an enterprise upon his own account; and, from his well-established reputation, found more men than he wanted ready to join him. From those who applied, he selected but three. These were men of the best material; and, no man could judge a trapper's qualifications better than Kit Carson. With his three men he immediately set out for the Laramie River.

Again she waited with such patience as she could until the measured splash of a horse's feet nearing her through the shallow water announced someone's approach. Laramie was back and alone. Almost anybody in the world would have been welcome at such a juncture. He called and she answered quickly, but he brought unwelcome news the little bridge that spanned the creek at this point was out.

He did not expect to strike Laramie, he told his mother when she asked him. "I'm going till I stop," He explained, with a squeeze of her shoulders to reassure her. "I guess it's the way you felt, mother, when you left Texas behind. You couldn't tell where you folks would wind up. Neither can I. My trail herd is kinda small, right now; a lot smaller than it will be later on.

There was no alternative but to proceed slowly and persistently, saving as many as possible of the horses, mules, and oxen. Fifteen days were required for this difficult operation. Meanwhile Colonel Philip St. George Cooke, who arrived on the 19th by way of Fort Laramie, at the head of five hundred dragoons, had fared no better than the main body, having lost nearly half of his cattle.

Blandy runs the place." "That Blandy. His faro game's crooked, or I'm a locoed bronch. Not that we don't have lots of crooked faro-dealers. A fellow can stand for them. But Blandy's mean, back-handed, never looks you in the eyes. That Hope So place ought to be run by a good fellow like you, Laramie." "Thanks," replied he; and Duane imagined his voice a little husky.

When they reached the Laramie Plains they were met by a superior number of their enemies, and every warrior killed to a man.