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He presents to you a chance of resettling his mind, of re-arousing his native powers, of a home besides your own. Lady Lansmere, you cannot hesitate!" LADY LANSMERE . "I do, I do? After all that I have hoped after all that I did to prevent " "You owe him now an atonement; that is in your power, it is not in mine." The countess again pressed Audley's hand, and the tears gushed from her eyes.

EGERTON. "My old Committee now vote for Jenkins and Whiggolin; and I suppose there will not be even a contest. Go on." "So my father and I are agreed that you must condescend, for the sake of old friendship, to be once more member for Lansmere." "Harley," exclaimed Egerton, changing countenance far more than he had done at the announcement of Levy's portentous visit, "Harley, no, no!" "No!

Then turning to the earl, who was gazing at him in blank surprise, it never occurred to Lord Lansmere that there could be a doubt of his son's marrying beneath the rank modestly stated by the countess, Harley stretched forth his hand, and said, in his soft winning tone, "You have ever been most gracious to me, and most forbearing; it is but just that I should sacrifice the habits of an egotist, to gratify a wish which you so warmly entertain.

Harley inclined his head, and was silent. Lady Lansmere had suspended her conversation with Riccabocca to listen to this dialogue. "Charming!" she cried. "You have explained what has often perplexed me. Ah, Harley, I am glad to see that your satire is foiled: you have no reply to that."

Harley's eye glittered cold as it followed the tall form of the statesman, towering high above all other passers-by. "Ay," he muttered, "ay, rest as sure of my friendship as I was of thine! And be Lansmere our field of Philippi! There where thy first step was made in the only life that thou own'st as existence, shall the ladder itself rot from under thy footing.

"So," he muttered sullenly, "so this man, who pretends to be my benefactor, squanders away the wealth of my forefathers, throws me penniless on the world; and, while still encouraging me to exertion and public life, robs me himself of " "No!" interrupted Levy, "not robs you; we may prevent that. The Lansmere interest is not so strong in the borough as Dick Avenel's."

But when he left the room, and slowly descended the stairs, he left behind him love and youth, all the sweet hopes and joys of the household human life, for ever and ever! He returned to Lady Lansmere, who awaited his coming with the most nervous anxiety. "Now," said he, dryly, "I will go to Harley, and I will prevent his returning hither." "You have seen the parents.

MR. MAYOR. "No; but luckily for you, two relations of mine were, and they voted for you. Two votes, and you came in by two. Since then, you have got into very snug quarters here, and I think we have a claim on you " MR. EGERTON. "Sir, I acknowledge no such claim; I was and am a stranger to Lansmere; and if the electors did me the honour to return me to parliament, it was in compliment rather to "

He presents to you a chance of resettling his mind, of re-arousing his native powers, of a home besides your own. Lady Lansmere, you cannot hesitate!" LADY LANSMERE. "I do, I do? After all that I have hoped after all that I did to prevent " "You owe him now an atonement; that is in your power, it is not in mine." The countess again pressed Audley's hand, and the tears gushed from her eyes.

Harley knew that Lady Lansmere always succeeded in obtaining her way with his father; and he felt that the earl might naturally be disappointed in such an alliance, and, without due propitiation, evince that disappointment in his manner to Helen. Harley was bound to save her from all chance of such humiliation.