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L'auteur est des plus sympathiques; il a des manieres charmantes si modestes et si intelligentes, car les manieres peuvent montrer de l'intelligence. J'aime beaucoup les deux freres, et dans le peu de temps que je les ai vus j'en ai fait des amis. "Mercredi j'ai dine chez moi, ayant un article a ecrire. Jeudi chez Stephen Pearce. Vendredi chez Mr. Wallis, le marchand de tableaux.

In an article contributed to the Revue de metaphysique et de morale in January of 1908, under the title L'Evolution de l'intelligence geometrique, we find Bergson remarking: "Nowhere have I claimed that we should replace intelligence by something else, or prefer instinct to it.

"Chez Obermann la sensibilite est active, l'intelligence est paresseuse ou insuffisante." He has a certain antique power of making the truisms of life splendid and impressive. No one can write more poetical exercises than he on the old text of pulvis et umbra sumus, but beyond this his philosophical power fails him.

"En Amerique il y a peu de riches; presque tous les Americains ont donc besoin d'exercer une profession. Or, toute profession exige an apprentissage. Les Americains ne peuvent donc donner a la culture generale de l'intelligence que les premieres annees de la vie: a quinze ans ils entrent dans une carriere: ainsi leur education finit le plus souvent a l'epoque ou la notre commence."

Il avait de la philosophie, Lord Melbourne.... C'est lui qui disait que l'intelligence n'est pas toujours indispensable: le grand avantage du célèbre ordre de la Jarretière, ajoutait-il, c'est qu'au moins "il n'y a pas, dans toute cette bête d'histoire, de mérite

He presented me with one of his books and promised me his great work, De l'Intelligence, which was to come out in a few days, conversed with me for an hour, and invited me to tea the following evening.

The philosophers of the Jean Jacques held with that expounder of Internationalism, Eugene Dupont, "Nous ne voulons plus de religion, car les religions etouffent l'intelligence." Now and then, indeed, a dissentient voice was raised as to the existence of a Supreme Being, but, with one exception, it soon sank into silence. No voice was raised in defence of private property.

The philosophers of the Jean Jacques held with that expounder of Internationalism, Eugene Dupont, "Nous ne voulons plus de religion, car les religions etouffent l'intelligence." Now and then, indeed, a dissentient voice was raised as to the existence of a Supreme Being, but, with one exception, it soon sank into silence. No voice was raised in defence of private property.

Sans doute on ne peut point conclure de quelques individus a l'espece entiere; mais on peut assurer sans rien hasarder, que le mouflon tient une des dernieres places parmis les mammiferes quant a l'intelligence. " SAINT-HILIAR ET CUVIER, Histoire Naturelle des Mammiferes. "You will find them very good fighters," said my uncle.

The testimony of Paul may also be cited in favour of this view, since he always alludes to earlier Christophanies in just the same language which he uses in describing his own vision on the road to Damascus. See Taine, De l'Intelligence, II. 192.

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