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Many tried to climb it, but when they came to the grease they came down 'by the run. One fellow however filled his kummerbund with sand, and after much exertion managed to secure the prize. Wheeling the barrow blindfold also gave much amusement, and we made some boys bend their foreheads down to a stick and run round till they were giddy.

It was no uncommon sight to see a black man, with nothing on but a kummerbund, running away to his lair, with a stirrup leather, hat, or even a pair of spurs belonging to some dethroned sportsman. The horse ridden by Mrs. Saunders in the paperchase I have alluded to, was a powerful "Waler" which, according to his importer, Mr. Macklin, had won nearly all the jumping prizes in Australia!

Also that night she brought him a blue silk kummerbund streaked with scarlet, and laid it on his pillow, with a written intimation that it was sent 'with fondiest love from Susie S. Fat. Arrayed in a clean shirt, and the swagger kummerbund, Denison presented himself next morning to the editor of the Trumpet-Call.

There were seven other applicants for the billet, but Denison's white shirt and new kummerbund were, he felt, a tower of strength to him, and even the editor of the Trumpet-Call seemed impressed clean shirts being an anomaly in Cooktown journalistic circles. The editor was a tall, stately man, with red eyes and a distinctly alcoholic breath. The other applicants went in first.

I will seek some other worshippers. "After a pause of tense silence, as if the listener was awaiting for more, he dropped hand and eyes. And now my mind took a new turn of thought. There was the confused, unmistakable glare of insanity in the man's eyes. Half unconsciously, I leaned back on my cushions and placed a hand upon the dagger in my kummerbund.

He would do the cables himself, he said. He abhorred Denison on account of Susie and the kummerbund. Just then the Emperor Frederick was dying at San Remo, and cables were coming through via Sydney. At one a.m. the business manager came in to Denison and said that they should try to get along amicably.

And Lenox, still watching the man's movements with a strange mingling of indifference and triumph, saw the miracle-worker of whose powers he knew far more than the Pathan disappear unhindered into the folds of the man's kummerbund; saw himself once more a free man, captain of the soul and body given into his charge.

Presently the thawed fingers fumbled at his kummerbund, produced a discoloured twist of paper, opened it, and taking out two familiar dark pellets, tossed them down his throat. In the act he met his master's gaze fixed on him with strange intensity, and at once two more pellets appeared upon his palm. "Will not the Sahib honour his servant by partaking also?" he asked, proffering his treasure.

On the ground lay a bucket, a cooking-pot, a couple of tin plates, and knives and forks all emptied out of a sack. On top of them descended from the waggon on high a flame-coloured shock of hair surmounting a freckled face, a covert coat, a kummerbund, and cloth gaiters. Were we mad? Was it an apparition, or was that under the kummerbund a bit of kilt and an end of sporran?

The fundamental rule is 'catch where you can, only you must not clutch the hair or strike with the fists. The loins are tightly girt with a long waist-belt or kummerbund of cloth, which, passed repeatedly between the limbs and round the loins, sufficiently braces up and protects that part of the body.