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The African, recovering somewhat his presence of mind, struggled to release himself from the fierce grasp of Frank, and would probably have succeeded, had not the Kinchen entered, and, seizing a chair, dealt him a blow with it which knocked him down. He then drew from his pocket a stout cord, and, with Frank's assistance, bound the negro's arms securely with it.

Jonathan had not deceived him. "What's this here kinchen in for?" asked Terence, as he and Quilt strode along, with Thames between them. "What for?" rejoined Quilt, evasively. "Oh! nothin' partickler mere curossity," replied Terence. "By the powers!" he added, turning his lantern full upon the face of the captive, "he's a nice genn-teel-lookin' kiddy, I must say.

'I will look out for him, rejoined the stranger and then added, 'I will now thank you to conduct me out of this place, as I have matters to attend to elsewhere. The Kinchen complied, and in ten minutes they emerged into the street above, by the same way they had entered.

He then summoned Dennis and the Kinchen the latter of whom he retained in his service and desired them to remove the few bottles and casks of wine which still remained in the cellar and deposit them elsewhere. This being done, a quantity of straw was procured and thrown in one corner, and then the arrangements were complete.

Kinchen, he said aloud, turning savagely to the boy 'You must accompany me to the Dark Vaults. 'Never, exclaimed Clinton, resolutely 'rather will I die here.

'It must now be about six o'clock in the morning we will meet here to-night at eleven precisely. Do not fail, for money is to be made in this affair. 'Well, said the Kinchen 'so it seems that you have got into business already. Well and good but I must caution you to beware of that Dead Man, for he is treacherous as a rattlesnake.

'Very well, said Frank 'now, Kinchen, you will take your station in the closet, for fear you should be seen by the servants, and you, Dennis, will bring him up some refreshments, and then attend to your ordinary duties as usual. Say not a word to anybody in regard to this affair, and give the other servants to understand that I have gone out, and will not return until tomorrow morning.

Upon the occasion of his first introduction in this narrative, he was acting as president of the carousals; he was the first one to notice the entrance of the boy and the stranger; and addressing the former, he said 'How now, Kinchen who have you brought with you? Is the cove cross or square and what does he want in our ken?

'Now listen, said Frank, addressing Dennis and the Kinchen; 'a certain person has injured me irretrievably injured me and it is my intention to confine him as a prisoner in this cellar. The matter must be kept a profound secret from the world; you must neither of you breathe a syllable in relation to it, to a living soul.

But I have an account to settle with you, Kinchen; you recollect how you hurled the wine-bottle at my head, as I was about to stab Sydney on the night of my capture thereby preventing me from securing a speedy and deadly revenge at that time? Now, what punishment do you deserve for that damnable piece of treachery to an old comrade?