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The game at kick-ball which preceded the wedding was admittedly one of the best that had ever been played at that station, partly, no doubt, because the captain and crew of the English ship, headed by Red Rooney, took part in it. Strange to say, the only man who seemed to be at all cast down on that occasion was Ippegoo.

See, sir, they are all flying kites, while I am flying in rags they are running about at kick-ball and cricket; but I must climb the long, long stairs, with a heavy load, and an empty stomach, whilst my back is like to break.

"Good; an' the next day we sail so, my friend, I'll have the satisfaction of dancing at your wedding before I go." "I know not as to dancing," said Angut, with a grave smile, "but we are to have kick-ball, and a feast." "I'm game for both, or any other sort o' fun you like," returned the seaman heartily.

"With a feed," replied Okiok, glancing slyly at his better half. "As if I didn't know that!" returned the wife. "When did Okiok ever do anything before having his morning feed?" "When he was starving," retorted the husband promptly. This pleasantry was received with a giggle by the women. "Well, father, and what comes after the morning feed?" asked Nunaga. "Kick-ball," answered Okiok.

No game was thought complete without the co-operation of that robust Eskimo. So was Raventik, for the game of kick-ball suited his bold reckless nature to perfection, and there were none of the other players except himself capable of opposing Oolalik with any hope of success. Aglootook the magician also took part.

What! you let me send this lad to the place with my very daughters! And because I let drop a word to you..... Fy, sir, keep your dishonours to yourself!" Simon was deadly pale. "I will be a kick-ball between you and the Duke no longer," he exclaimed. "Either come to an agreement, or come to a differ, and have it out among yourselves.

"Come, Angut," said Rooney, descending from his throne or presidential chair, and taking the arm of his host; "I'm getting cold sitting up there. Let us have a walk together, and explain to me the meaning of this challenge." They went off in the direction of the sea-green cave, while Simek organised a game of kick-ball.

What! you let me send this lad to the place with my very daughters! And because I let drop a word to you ... Fy, sir, keep your dishonours to yourself!" Symon was deadly pale. "I will be a kick-ball between you and the Duke no longer," he exclaimed. "Either come to an agreement, or come to a differ, and have it out among yourselves.

We beg the reader now to accompany us to the Eskimo village, where the men and boys are having a game at kick-ball, a favourite game with those men-of-the-ice, which goes far to prove their kinship with ourselves.

But the kick-ball argument of the Red Axe was mightily discouraging to those immediately concerned, and as I felt the muscles of my right arm and waited, I could hear Otho reasoning, threatening, coaxing, all in vain. Then his tones mounted steadily into hot anger. He reviled his followers for dogs, cowards, curs who had eaten his bread and now would not rid him of his enemies.