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'With a grace and dignity full of kindness, says a contemporary narrative of these events, 'he congratulated Lescarbault on the important discovery which he had made. Anxious to obtain some mark of respect for the discoverer of Vulcan, Leverrier made inquiry concerning his private character, and learned from the village curé, the juge de paix, and other functionaries, that he was a skilful physician and a worthy man.

No one could know except the Juge d'Instruction and Ivor Dundas himself. "Only two men were present at that scene, and they will never tell what went on," I said aloud. "Three men were present," Godensky answered. "Besides the two of whom you think, there was another: a lawyer who speaks English.

At this Monte-Cristo arose and facing the judicial bench said, in that impressive manner which always marked his public speeches: "Honored Juge, what the Deputy Procureur has just said is perfectly true in every respect. In the event of the prisoners' discharge I stand pledged to his superior in office to see that they return to Italy without delay." The Deputy and the Count resumed their seats.

The first hearings of Helene's case were taken before the Juge d'instruction in Rennes, and she was remanded to the assizes for Ille-et-Vilaine, which took place, apparently, in the same city. The charges against her were limited to eleven thefts, three murders by poisoning, and three attempts at murder by the like means.

And no one outside the private bureau of M. le Juge d'Instruction ever knew what it cost the wealthy M. Mosenstein to have the whole affair "classed" and hushed up. As for me, I had three hundred francs as payment for work which I had risked my neck and my reputation to accomplish.

"B-beau-trelet " He could not get a word out for terror. "Come, Monsieur le Juge d'Instruction, compose yourself!" "Beautrelet he is there " "Eh?" "Yes there was something under the big stone that broke off the altar I pushed the stone and I touched I shall never shall never forget. "Where is it?" "On this side. Don't you notice the smell? And then look see."

"Whom you have allowed to slip through your fingers." "Ah, not so, M. le Juge! We have one under surveillance. My man Galipaud is there at the hotel watching the Countess." "Do not talk to me of your men, M. Floçon," angrily interposed the Judge. "One of them has given us a touch of his quality. Why should not the other be equally foolish?

But it is my fate to empty the cup of humiliation and degradation to the dregs. Have I not been made to appear before a Juge d'Instruction I, Passajon, former apparitor of the faculty, with thirty years of faithful service, and the ribbon of Officer of the Academy?

I do not blush that I wept for the child, who is but you saw her, monsieur le juge." "Yes, yes, the little Zoe, and the little philosopher. Proceed." "What more is there to tell!" "A trifle perhaps, as you will think," remarked the Judge ironically, but as one who, finding a crime, must needs find the criminal too. "I must ask you to inform the Court who was the too polite friend of Madame."

Maitland had, with the best intentions, done a good deal more than most of these innocents to deserve incarceration. His conduct, as the Juge d'Instruction told him, without mincing matters, was undeniably louche.