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The juge de paix and his family were on friendliest terms with my hostess, and he would often drop in for a chat. From him and other residents I gathered some interesting particulars about the Danton family. The great tribune left two little sons, George and Antoine, who grew up and resided in their ancestral home, hiding themselves from the world.

They searched his pockets and he felt their vile hands graze his skin. He experienced a strongly rebellious sentiment and notwithstanding his present enforced calm, from time to time he demanded to see the Prefect of Police, the Chief of the Municipal Police, the Juge d'Instruction, he did not know whom, but at least some one who was responsible.

The Juge d' Instruction appeared to think for a moment; then he said: "My duty in the premises is plain. No evidence is presented against the prisoners and the official statement and demand of the Procureur de la République, expressed through his worthy and esteemed representative, preclude the necessity of a formal interrogation of the accused.

In a quiet room, with the book of the law open, and figures of damages given by a Catholic court and Judge I think that will do it; and then the course of true philosophy will not long be interrupted in the house of Jean Jacques Barbille." "Monsieur monsieur le juge, you mean that I shall do this, shall see George Masson and warn him me?" "Who else? You are a friend of the family.

The juge de paix, as we have seen, pronounced that the clearest point in the case was 'the absence of known cause for the effects, and he non-suited Thorel, the plaintiff. The cause of the phenomena is, of course, as obscure for us as for the worthy magistrate.

He will have all or nothing, if I judge him well; and he would not take for his wife a woman who accepts diamonds from another man, saying as she takes them that he is her lover." "He wouldn't believe it of me!" I cried. "There is a way of convincing him. Oh, I shall not tell him! But he shall see in writing all that passed between the Juge d'Instruction and Mr. Dundas, unless "

The count appeared to suppress a movement of annoyance, looked at Isidore Beautrelet and at M. Filleul and replied, without even troubling to go near the pictures: "I hoped, Monsieur le Juge d'Instruction, that the truth might have remained unknown. As this is not so, I have no hesitation in declaring that the four pictures are false." "You knew it, then?" "From the beginning."

Documents have been discovered which will show that most of these plots were got up by the Imperial police. Pietri, Lagrange, and Barnier, a juge d'instruction, were the prime movers. A certain Bablot received 20,000fr. for his services as a conspirator.

"Yes, now or rather, if you do not mind, in an hour or two, when I shall have assisted at your inquiry to the end." "No, no, young man, here and now, please." At that moment Raymonde de Saint-Veran, who had not taken her eyes from Isidore Beautrelet since the beginning of this scene, came up to M. Filleul: "Monsieur le Juge d'Instruction " "Yes, mademoiselle?"

Madame Poiret put on her "eye-preservers," and looked at the Abbe Carlos Herrera. "It is his build, his height; and yet no if Monsieur le Juge," she said, "if I could see his chest I should recognize him at once." The magistrate and his clerk could not help laughing, notwithstanding the gravity of their office; Jacques Collin joined in their hilarity, but discreetly.