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"That's what I call judgmatical," old Mike shouted, with a voice that rivalled cannon; "whoever thought of that deserves three epulets, one on each shoulder and one upon his head. Doubt if old Keppel would have thought of that, now. You see, mates, the other Crappo can't fire at her without first hitting of her own consort.

"Aye, 'twas judgmatical and like themselves; though we were too expart to be thrown from a trail by so common an invention." "To what, then, are we indebted for our safety?"

"Yes, it incited her to worry Wilfred beyond sufferance in his holidays. I know if you or Lily had been always at me I should have kicked as hard as he does." "Lily herself can hardly cram him with his holiday task; but Fergus is a good little fellow." "You have kept him at it in a more judgmatical way. But won't Armytage come in between the damsel and her college?" "Poor Mr.

Somehow Clover seemed like a new and doubly-interesting Clover to Katy. She was struck by the self-reliance which had grown upon her, by her bright ways and the capacity and judgment which all her arrangements exhibited; and she listened with delight to Mrs. Hope's praises of her sister. "She really is a wonderful little creature; so wise and judgmatical, and yet so pretty and full of fun.

"Better let me take that," he suggested, and they changed seats. "Out to the Home Farm," directed Sharon. "You ain't altered a mite," he went on. "Little more peaked, mebbe kind of more mature or judgmatical or whatever you call it. Well, go on tell about the war." But there proved to be little to tell, and Sharon gradually wearied from the effort of evoking this little.

You haint no wife nor children, have you?" "No," said Basset. "What makes you ask?" "Well, I'm glad to hear it. I always think it judgmatical, you see, to choose a man for constable who haint got no family; 'cause, if any accident should happen, 'twouldn't be of so much consequence." "I don't catch your meaning clear," said Basset.

"Perhaps.... Yes, my own, certainly.... And perhaps another's, not so old but possibly quite as grievous." "Somebody you care for a great deal?" Thus tardily made to realise into what perils his fancy was leading him, he checked and weighed her question with his answer, gravely judgmatical.

"Monsieur wishes me to flatter myself into thinking he did me the honour of desiring to find me to-night?" "Or any other. Do not depreciate the potency of your charms, mademoiselle. Who, having seen you once, could help hoping to see you again?" "My friend," said Liane, with a pursed, judgmatical mouth, "I think you are much too amiable."

But it war a nasty fix, and I congratulate you both on having brought your har safely back to camp; that coming straight back on your trail when you was stopped by the fall of the ground was a judgmatical business." "It was Frank's idee," Dick said. "Wall, he just hit the right thing; if it hadn't been for that you would have been rubbed out sure."

Ask our friend, the bee-hunter, in what condition he finds himself to struggle with a Teton boy, after so many hours of bondage; much less with a dozen merciless and bloodthirsty squaws!" "Truly, old trapper," returned Paul, stretching his limbs, which were by this time entirely released, and endeavouring to restore the suspended circulation, "you have some judgmatical notions in these matters.