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Belle yelled to her team and went by with never a glance toward either, and the two stared after her without a word until she had jounced down into a shallow draw and up the other side, the pintos never slowing their lope. "Well, I'm darned!" ejaculated the sheriff. His name, by the way, was Perry.

Tennessee was mounted upon it, the reins in her hands, the headstall and bit poised on the peaked pommel. She jounced back and forth, and the skirts of the saddle flapped and the stirrups clanked on the floor, and the absorbed eyes of the little mountaineer were fixed on space.

When the home missionary reached the hotel he found a grave and decorous group of sympathizers. "I was surely right careless, sir, to start thataway so onexpected," Dud apologized. "I hope you didn't get jounced up much." "Some one had ought to work you over for bein' so plumb wooden-haided, Dud," the puncher from the Keystone reproved him. "Here was Mr.

We fairly jounced our way to the old brownstone structure, which sat with such pathetic dignity on the square of discouraged grass, frowning at the surrounding tenements. The sign advertising the waxworks and "Collection of Criminology" still hung at the door of the lower floor. "Tell me," said I to the freckled girl who sold admissions, "is the Man with the Rolling Eye still here?"

The escort were out of sight, but probably would wait for them; and anyway they felt no fear as they jounced over the rutty, frozen road. They rather looked forward to shooting buffalo from the wagon with their revolvers. After a time the lieutenant changed his tune, to remark: "What's the matter with the buffalo? They're grazing wide of the road to-day. That looks as though Injuns were about."

There were two men in the first-moving ground car, and now that another car moved to head them off, one fired desperately and the other tried to steer and fire at the same time. The siren-sounding car send a stream of bolts at them. But both cars jounced and bounced. There could be no marksmanship under such conditions. But a bolt did hit. The two-man car dipped suddenly to one side.

And behind him, near the horizon, the tiny sun glowed orange out of a blue-black sky. Tom fought the wheel as the Sloppy Joe jounced across a dry creek bed, and swore softly to himself. Why hadn't he kept his head and waited for the mail ship that had been due at the Lab to give him a lift back?

Each family journeyed in a heavy farm wagon with the father and mother riding high on the wooden spring seat while the children jounced up and down on the hay in the bottom of the box or clung desperately to the side-boards to keep from being jolted out. In such wise we started on our trip to the McClintocks'.

"We've got fish and clams and cranberries in season, and some vegetables, that have to be shaken up and jounced together and squashed on those jolting steam trains. I'll lay down a crate of lobsters at the T-wharf without a hair being ruffled. I know how to stow a cargo." She nodded both her understanding and her belief that Tunis was right.

"And and this po poor girl, too," stammered Tom's sister, as the car jounced over a particularly rough piece of road. Hazel Gray opened her eyes languidly, murmuring: "I shall be all right, thank you! Just drive to the hotel " "What hotel?" asked Ruth, laughing. "In Cheslow. I don't know the name of it," whispered Hazel Gray. "Is there more than one?"