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When she had hung up the receiver and gone back to the child, she took him in her lap and tried to entertain him with a book of "Mother Goose" jingles, turning the pages slowly and concealing her emotion under the silliness of the nursery rhymes. In the midst of her comical recital about Jack and Jill who went up the hill, she suddenly exclaimed: "What great fun it was to be with Doctor!"

"And, besides," added he, hesitatingly, "he gives you a half-rouble, but I have lost it by the way; kindly excuse it." Savéliitch looked askance at him. "You have lost it by the way," said he, "and pray what is that which jingles in your pocket, barefaced liar that you are?"

Taking long jumps over the rails and sleepers, leaving huge tracks in the feathery snow, and pouring away yesterday's tea out of the teapot he runs to the refreshment room and jingles his five-kopeck piece against his teapot.

Unfortunately he did not afterwards take the trouble to improve his subject matter, or the mold in which it was cast. Swinburne says, "His verse stumbles and jingles, stammers and halts, where is most need for a swift and even pace of musical sound." The great power of Byron's poetry consists in its wealth of expression, its vigor, its rush and volume of sound, its variety, and its passion.

I am not careful about it; the less money one has the more it jingles, unless it gets too low indeed." "I will take it, Dr. Gregory, and feel myself under obligation to you." "No, I told you, not till the crops come in. No obligation is binding till the term is up. Well, I'll see you further about it." "But Rolf!" said Mrs.

She told stories, rattled off absurd jingles, and laughed and talked with each young miss in turn, determined to make the call so great a success that the girls would wish to come again. When she had bowed them out and closed the door behind them, she came back to Keith, intending to remonstrate with him for his very ungracious behavior.

Or play on the timber-rafts or or anything?" asked Luretta. "I don't believe there is any harm in making rhymes. It's something you can't help," responded Anna thoughtfully. "And Parson Lyon has written a book," she added quickly, as if that in some way justified her jingles. "I don't want you to be different, Dan!" declared Luretta. Anna stopped and looked at her friend reproachfully.

The touch of "Boz" kindled the old bones into life, it peopled the narrow, winding streets with the Grummers, Nupkins, Jingles, Pickwick and his followers; with the immortal lady aforesaid in her yellow curl papers, to say nothing of Mr. Peter Magnus.

"'Easy Aaron don't make no answer, but as he jingles the fee the sour look relaxes. "'As I remarks, Easy Aaron ain't with us over long. Yellow City is that much worse off than Wolfville that she has a little old 'doby calaboose that's been built since the old Mexico days.

At eight, just before the croup attack though he did not know his alphabet or how to tell time and had never been cuddled or rocked to sleep with nursery jingles as soothing mental food he could play quite a shrewd game of poker and drive a bug roadster.