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Most of them were marked with crosses, each made of two pieces of packing-case or biscuit-box, with a number, rank, name, and regiment printed in indelible pencil. On some of the graves were bead-work flowers, on others a jam-pot or crock holding a handful of withered sun-dried flower-stalks.

At the same time he fully recognised that as a source of anxiety, not to say of expense, his future mother-in law would have weighted them more by accompanying their steps than by giving her hostess, in the interest of the tendency they considered that they never mentioned, equivalent pledges as to the tea- caddy and the jam-pot.

It's rather a joke to call it the secret drawer, for there's no secret about it; anyhow, it's an open secret." "Very good; and then?" "Why, you know the money generally goes at one particular time on half-holidays. I'm afraid the rogue, whoever he is, has got a taste for it by this time, and will come to money like a fly to a jam-pot.

But it became time to go on board, and Captain Blockstrop, coming by where Alice sat, said, laughing, "I hope you are not giving my officer too much marmalade, Miss Brentwood? He is over-young to be trusted with a jam-pot, eh, Tacks?" "Too young to go to sea, I should say," said Alice. "Not too young to be a brave-hearted boy, however!" said the Captain.

She was made so uncomfortable by the turn the conversation had taken, that she plunged her head into the cupboard, and endeavored to abstract some very obscure piece of china. "We have our work," she said, withdrawing her head, displaying cheeks more than usually crimson, and placing a jam-pot emphatically upon the table.

Never in all my experience was I so completely bowled over. I felt like a small boy who has been caught in the pantry with one hand in the jam-pot and plenty of jam on his nose. And like that small boy I enjoyed the jam, but did not like being caught at it. Mr. Vedder had no sooner got the book in his hand than I saw Mrs.

'And, grandada, said she to the squire, who was muttering ominously with a grim under- jaw, 'His private chaplain! and for this once would not hear her, 'Grandada, I shall drive you over to see papa this afternoon. She talked as if nothing had gone wrong. Peterborough, criminal red, attacked a jam-pot for a diversion.

I was content to believe it quite different from this, for I knew this so well, enjoyed it so much. When the jam-pot should be empty, I did not want another one just like it. But now.... He. I know. And I lived so much a stranger to the experiences I could have about me that I was indifferent to what came after.

Certainly, from a commonsense point of view, Cargrim's theory, knowing what he did know, was feasible enough. Having thus arrived at a point where it was necessary to transmute thought into action, Mr Cargrim assumed his best clerical uniform, his tallest and whitest jam-pot collar, and drew on a pair of delicate lavender gloves.

They blackened every jam-pot and clustered thickly round the mouths and eyes of sleeping soldiers. The trenches became dry and dusty. Detached legs or feet or arms of the dead would protrude from the parapet, as the soil around them fell away. Smells became all-pervading. We would seek refuge in the dug-outs, that looked out upon a crowded graveyard from the sloping incline by Border Barricade.