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The fine balance of line and proportion which characterizes the Court is shown in the three sculptured figures by Albert Jaegers, "Harvest," the seated figure which fitly crowns the half dome, blending finely with its nobility and strength of outline, and "Rain" and "Sunshine," which surmount the splendid columns of Sienna marble on either side of the dome.

For there is much to admire in the poise of the figure, in the decorative outline, and in the sculptor's lightness of touch. The fountain was designed by Evelyn Beatrice Longman. Minor Sculptures. On the archways at east and west of the court a high-relief figure by August Jaegers is repeated eight times, and the spandrels over the arches are by the same artist.

The German trenches had been over-run and many of their occupants had been killed or wounded. By a satisfactory coincidence the troops whom we surprised were a battalion of the Jaegers, the very regiment which after three hours' bombardment had raided us exactly two months previously at Ablaincourt.

He won the National Roman Prize in 1908 and held it for three years. He has been a careful student of the Indians. His work at the Panama-Pacific International Exposition is distinctly graceful and decorative. Albert Jaegers Albert Jaegers, a man who has taught himself his art, having fine powers of observation and much invention, was born at Elberfeld, Germany, in 1868.

"He hasn't been properly brought up," one of the spotty youth's companions remarked, not ill-naturedly. "Can't expect him to have manners. He never had a father or a mother, poor darling " "Then where did he come from?" "God made him." "He told old Jaegers he'd never even heard of God." "Dear, dear, what a naughty boy. He doesn't even say his prayers." "But he lives with a lady called Christine "

The figures are in very high relief so that they seem almost human as you gaze upon them. The Feast of the Sacrifice Albert Jaegers, Sculptor In your imagination you see as of old the harvest procession marching around the fields. It is led by the great bulls for the sacrifice to the gods, that the harvest may yield bounteously.

Long before he could read words of three syllables, Robert had learnt the Origin of Man, and had made a vivid, somewhat fanciful picture of that personage's pathetic beginnings as a miasm floating on the earth's surface, and of his accidental, no less pathetic progression as a Survival of the Fittest. He gathered that even more than old Jaegers, Mr.

Nor are they in any wise immune from the great mortality known to prevail among the smaller birds. Their eggs and young are constantly preyed upon during the breeding season by crows, gulls, and jaegers, and the far northern country to which so many of them resort to nest is subject to sudden cold storms, which kill many of the young.

Indeed, he spied his friend Tiefel there, and presently Richter came from the ranks to greet him. "My friend," he said, "you are made second lieutenant of our company, the Black Jaegers." "But I have never drilled in my life," said Stephen. "Never mind. Come and see the Leader." The Leader, smiling a little, put a vigorous stop to his protestations, and told him to buy a tactics.

I think that Albert Jaegers, with his two single figures on top of the two columns flanking the Orchestral Niche, actually represents our own two seasons much more successfully than does Piccirilli.