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This, with endless variations of ingenious and hideous inaccuracies this, interspersed with foolish laughter and bitter tears, is what I have daily been audience to, for the last two months. The day before yesterday a great stride was taken; the present tense was pronounced vanquished, and Barbara and her pupil passed on in triumph to the imperfect, "j'aimais, I loved, or was loving."

Les majors ne me le cachent meme pas. Je pars sans regret avec la conscience d'avoir fait mon devoir. Prevenez done mes parents le mieux que vous pourrez; qu'ils ne cherchent pas a venir, ils n'en auraient pas le temps. Adieu vous tous que j'aimais. Dear Godfather and Godmother, I am writing to you so as not to kill Mother, whom such a shock would surprise too much.

You see, that's exactly like our Russia, those devils that come out of the sick man and enter into the swine. They are all the sores, all the foul contagions, all the impurities, all the devils great and small that have multiplied in that great invalid, our beloved Russia, in the course of ages and ages. Oui, cette Russie que j'aimais tou jours.

My husband conveyed it to his friend M. Schmitt in the following letter: "J'ai recu ces jours-ci la triste nouvelle que mon cousin le pretre anglican que j'aimais comme un frere, a succombe a une assez longue maladie. Ce qu'il y a de plus penible c'est la position de sa soeur qui s'etait entierement devouee a lui et a la paroisse.

Look where we will, we shall find among his pages the traces of an inward mystery and the obscure infinities of the heart. Nous avons su toujours nous aimer et nous taire. The line is a summary of the romance and the anguish of two lives. That is all affection; and this all desire J'aimais jusqu'

To-day, in order to be quite on the safe side, a return has been made to "j'aime," and it has been discovered that it has utterly disappeared from our young sister's memory. "J'aimais, I loved, or was loving," has entirely routed and dispersed his elder brother, "j'aime, I love." The old strain is, therefore, desperately resumed: J'aime, I love. Tu aimes, Thou lovest. Il aime, He loves, etc.