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"Emperor Chang?" "Yes, Captain Hobison?" "Identify Prowler, Irschchan registry, and give crew/passenger capacity." "Prowler, Irschchan registry One-Alpha. Kanchatka-class courier refitted as a yacht, crew of nine plus pilot. Maximum passenger capacity thirty humans. Further data?" "Not required." Hobison turned his attention back to the others in the room.

That cute Sandeman keeps saying how pretty you are, and what a warrior you'd be if you'd been lucky enough to be born on Sandeman. If I didn't know better, I'd say he has a crush on you." "I am quite content being Irschchan," Corina said, no longer needing to pretend her amusement.

She returned to the street, glad for the soft grass that had replaced pavement when null-grav craft came into common use, and resumed her walk toward the city. As small as MacLeod's Landing was by human standards, it was already large by Irschchan, and still growing. If she made it that far, there was at least a chance she could avoid the Sanctioners in the crowds, and reach the Palace.

"This is the most important turning point in both human and Irschchan history," he told them, trying to project his solemnity. "What we are planning here, what we will soon accomplish, will determine the course of civilization for centuries to come.

I wish the assault force could be larger, but anything more would certainly be stopped by the primary defense satellites. Therefore, we must use the strongest Talents available, and those Sanctioners who are most proficient with weapons, to compensate for the greater number of Palace Guards." An elderly Irschchan in a dark blue plaid kilt rose.

"He will recover enough to stand trial and serve whatever sentence he is given, but he will never be whole again. He has destroyed an essential part of himself. Take him to the medical unit, please, and see that he is cared for while medteams find and treat the other survivors. Can you find it?" "Yes, sir." Nevan pried his gun out of Thark's hand and holstered it, then picked the Irschchan up.

"I am the highest Irschchan official, its Baron in their terms the lowest of the Imperial nobility. All other nobles outside the Traiti Sector are human. There has never been an Irschchan Ranger, so we cannot hope for an Irschchan Sovereign unless we succeed." He paused and scanned the group lightly, sensing their approval of his words.

Corina's ears went back in frustration. "It is merely the best I can do in Imperial English. Or in Irschchan, for that matter." "It's all we have to work with, though, so let's try to define it a bit more closely. I can't either practice or avoid something I can't identify." "That is true enough. Very well, darlas is a form of attack.

It took you fifteen hundred years to go from a crude aircraft to just a system-capable spacecraft it took Terra less than a hundred." "That was fortunate for you," Corina said with a touch of pique. "Otherwise Terra would be an Irschchan subject world rather than the center of a growing Empire." Then her tone grew softer. "But I was raised an Imperial citizen, and I am glad of it.

Hmm, this was getting interesting the anonymous young officer was going through with it, speaking the formula of knighthood as solemnly as if this were indeed a real Tribunal. All Medart could see of the Irschchan was her eartips, erect and quivering as her admirer finished on a note of triumph: " and do name you, Corina Losinj of Irschcha, a Knight of the Empire!"