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However, since Prowler must be destroyed to prevent the use of its weapons, I do not expect them to be a problem." "Forty-five effectives, then," Hobison said. "I've faced better odds; looks like things could get interesting." "We had best plan on forty-six," Corina corrected. "Thark seldom uses his assigned pilot; he prefers to do his own flying." She laid her ears back.

The Ranger returned the salute, then introduced them. "Captain David Hobison, this is Ms. Corina Losinj. She will be accompanying us on this trip as my special assistant. She won't have any formal Navy rank, but I want her quartered in a senior officer's cabin, preferably near mine. Have someone see to that, bring the ship to Condition Yellow, then meet me in Briefing Room One.

I've got to get moving on this mess. Out." The Emperor's image flickered blue, then disappeared. Hobison gave the Ranger a long, silent look before he spoke. "Rebellion, hmm? From the timing, I'd say this Thark's just been waiting for the war to end. That doesn't strike me as typical behavior for a rebel." "Same here," Medart said. "He's not typical at all, from what Losinj told me.

"For a standard human, it's almost impossible. For a battleprepped warrior, it's not too bad; they did it quite a bit during the Incursion. It'd save probably ten minutes." "We will do so, then," Corina decided. "Captain Hobison, would you give the necessary orders? And ask whoever is in temporary command to notify Defsat Five when we land, please; I believe we may be too busy to do it."

"You'll have to memorize those coordinates, I'm afraid. You're not a member of the ship's crew, so until Ranger Medart or Captain Hobison say otherwise, that and comm patches are the only commands of yours the Chang will obey, once you get its attention by using its full name. Security, you know." "I understand," Corina said. "Deck Three North, Ring Two, Segment One, Cabin B." "Very good!"

"I do not believe he would take that chance," Corina said. "This is far too important to him; his attack force will include only his best people. A Security team would have little chance against even a Sanctioner's simple telepathy; no action can be taken without at least a fraction of a second's forethought." "Damn." Greggson's voice was flat. "That's out, then." "Hold on," Hobison said.

The meeting began on schedule, in Briefing Room One, with Hobison introducing his senior officers. Corina took the opportunity to make a quick evaluation of each. There was no dishonor; she was not probing deeply enough to intrude. Hobison himself was shielded, well enough she could read nothing of him . . . as he should be in his position, though it was surprising.

"Emperor Chang?" "Yes, Captain Hobison?" "Identify Prowler, Irschchan registry, and give crew/passenger capacity." "Prowler, Irschchan registry One-Alpha. Kanchatka-class courier refitted as a yacht, crew of nine plus pilot. Maximum passenger capacity thirty humans. Further data?" "Not required." Hobison turned his attention back to the others in the room.

"Yes, sir." Hobison left, going to the lander's controls. Corina took another look at Nevan, then sighed a human mannerism, but one that seemed appropriate. "I suppose I should return to my observations." "It would help to know what he's up to," Medart said. "First, though, I think you ought to check out Nevan's shield. It seems battleprep makes a difference in Talent strength, too."

Most rebels are greedy, out for nothing but power according to her, Thark's convinced the Order can rule better than we poor unTalented can, so it's his duty to take over. Naturally, I don't agree." Hobison snorted. "Good intentions don't make up for treason. What's next?" "That depends on what we learn from Losinj," Medart replied. "At the moment, I just don't know enough to make realistic plans.