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There's no sense in trying to keep it a secret; she's trained me to be as good a telepath as she is, and she's teaching me darlas. I'll need volunteers, too, to practice on. They'll be in no danger, since she'll be monitoring everything I do until she's satisfied with my control." "I'll make the announcement," Hobison said after a few moments' silence.

His hunches were seldom specific, so he didn't have any idea how or why she was important, but he was certain she was. That was part of the reason he'd called her his special assistant, and had her assigned quarters near his own. He looked up as Hobison entered. "Everything set, Dave?" "Yes, sir," Hobison replied. "And I had Communications call the Palace, your personal code.

But I still believe the demonstration necessary; if one who is yet a student can make a respectable showing against such, then you will take more seriously those who are long-experienced in the use of their greater Talent." "Can't argue that," Hobison said. "But I don't envy you the demonstration, Sir Corina." All except the Ranger agreed aloud.

As I thought, he is too intent on his task to notice a touch as light as I am using. Is there no way we can get there faster? If he continues at his present rate, everyone in the Palace may be dead by the time we arrive." "No, dammit," Hobison said. "Hyperdrive is three lights per hour, period, and we're still most of an hour out." "Perhaps a few minutes," Nevan said.

Since Captain Hobison and Lieutenant DarLeras are both Ranger-level and shielded, as well, I would say that hypothesis is correct." "What about Rick and myself?" It hadn't occurred to Corina to check the Emperor or Crown Prince; now she did so. "Both shielded, Your Majesty." "Good.

Hobison and Greggson had already led the rest of the assault group inside; Corina heard the Security Chief curse, then comment, "They'll be easy enough to find, Captain. Just follow the bodies." "Yeah," Hobison agreed tonelessly. "Split up, then. You, Marshall and Eustazio secure Communications; the rest of us will search-and-silence. Double-check that your weapons are on stun, then go."

"We'll meet Captain Hobison there, so he'll get the news directly, not second-hand. He normally has breakfast in his cabin, and goes straight to the Bridge." Corina nodded. "And I must tell him my plans, as well. But what about those rumors? What if I had continued to refuse?" "You're starting to sound like Sunbeam," Medart laughed.

"Come in," Corina called back, taking her kilt from the autocloset. She slipped into it, then stuck her head around the partition. "Can you wait a few minutes while I brush myself?" "Sure thing," Sunbeam replied. "I'm yours to command, Sir Corina; remember Captain Hobison assigned me to you yesterday?" "I remember," Corina said. "I do not wish to inconvenience you, however.

The office showed no sign of the fighting just ended, and cleanup elsewhere was already under way. The Palace morgue was busy, the medical center only a little less so; Hobison was there, in critical condition, along with three less seriously wounded from the assault group. Greggson and one of the other Marines had been killed; the rest of the group was unhurt.

Too much depends on how powerful this Talent of the Order's is." Hobison nodded. "That makes sense. But would you really ask her to join the Rangers? She's so tiny, so . . ." "Pettable?" Medart came close to smiling. "She looks it, yes, but you heard what she had to do to reach us. And you know size doesn't have anything to do with it.