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After floundering about heroically but hopelessly through the introductory chapter of the first French grammar, she gave up the polite tongue in despair, consoling herself with the reflection, that speaking bad French was worse than speaking no French at all.

One great aim of the board was to promote enclosures. Young observes in the introductory paper to the Annals that within forty years nine hundred bills had been passed affecting about a million acres.

This stands for Mr. Many of Stevenson's letters were addressed to him. The two friends first met in London in 1877, and the impression made by the novelist on the critic may be seen in Mr. This is undoubtedly Stevenson's friend Charles Baxter. See the quotation from a letter to him in our introductory note to this essay.

"That design of yours is jolly good," he said shortly without any introductory phrases. She perceptibly started. "Oh! George! I'm so glad you think so. I was afraid. You know it was horribly difficult they give you no chance." "I know. I know. You've come out of it fine." She was in heaven; he also, because it was so easy for him to put her there.

Others will necessarily call for notice when the diseases come to be considered in which they may be of service. There are two points which still remain to be noticed before I leave the introductory part of this little book. The first of these concerns the importance of keeping written notes in the course of every case of serious illness.

Philip Vandal, to deliver the opening lecture. He has just done so, and, from what I have heard about his discourse, it would have been fitter as the introductory to a nunnery of Kilkenny cats than to anything like universal brotherhood. He opened our lyceum as if it had been an oyster, without any regard for the feelings of those inside.

"I further ordered," he writes, "one thousand copies of A. Grimké's letter, with your introductory remarks, and your address published in the Liberator several weeks since, with your name appended, and Whittier's poetry on the times, in a pamphlet form. I urged all our friends to redouble their exertions.

Coffee immediately follows in the drawing-room, but does not preclude punch, ale, tea and cakes, raw salmon, &c. A supper brings up the rear, not forgetting the introductory luncheon, almost equalling in removes the dinner.

The introductory idea, that mankind has evolved from an animal state into higher stages, is at variance with the earlier Greek conception, namely, that history begins with a golden age from which there is a continual decline. The theory of the fragment is expressed by a series of authors from the same and the immediately succeeding period.

Some were piercing, some curious, some pious and devotional, while some appeared as deep and unfathomable as if he were looking into unknown depths. After an introductory prayer, he read his text in a clear and composed voice, after which he began a short and clear explanation of the passage.