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Neither of these results is anything but evil. Nor can any good result be achieved by a method of treatment which embodies reprobation. When a man is suffering from an infectious disease he is a danger to the community, and it is necessary to restrict his liberty of movement. But no one associates any idea of guilt with such a situation.

"Thar ain't much to laugh at here!" she said. "But it was mighty funny when you tried to put your hat straight, and then found thur was that bullet hole right through the brim! And the way you stared at it Lordy!" Her musical laugh was infectious, and swept away his outraged dignity. He laughed too.

Beauchamp's eyes filled with agonized tears, but the sailor's cheeriness was infectious. "I'll wake them," he said. Again his voice went up into the night, as if he defied the poor defences of the dark. "Hulloo! Hulloo oo!" "Susie!" cried Mrs. Beauchamp, in her thinner treble. And this time there was an answer a cry small and faint; not at all like Susie's boisterous everyday voice, but human.

Probably most of you think privately, "How silly girls are!" What do you do, to make the mass less silly? That sort of infectious silliness is the great danger of school life, but the chatter is made up by individuals, who could each talk instead of chattering: remember that a girl at school need not be a schoolgirl; but she is in great danger of it, unless she is careful!

I assure you there was no delay on their part. First they were here and then they were gone. The prairie rumbled with their hasty tread, their lances glittered for only a single instant, and then they were lost over the horizon." He laughed again, and his laugh was so infectious that the three laughed with him.

He understood it all, and longed to be once more in work that he might help in some of these material ways, without feeling that he was using his son's money. But though "silver and gold he had none," he gave heart-service and love works of far more value. Nor was John Barton behind in these. It is virulent, malignant, and highly infectious.

He stood for a moment after making the announcement, and then went back into the house. A few isolated exclamations came from the crowd. "To make a martyr of him! Enthusiasm is infectious!" "An enthusiast! If he's an enthusiast, I'm a rascal!" "Why not?" replied a shock-headed man with a laugh. "Move on!" ordered the police, who were now reinforced by the military.

With that quavering voice of his, that bald forehead, and those spindle shanks trembling under the weight of a senile frame, he may look forward to a long career of decrepitude. There is something alarming about the young actor's old age; he is so very old; you feel nervous lest senility should be infectious. And what an admirable Alcalde he makes!

They both display considerable talent, the one in historical portraiture of reconstruction times, and the other in genial caricature of the more childish side of the less-educated negro. The negroes whom Mr. Means has invented have still to be born in the flesh, but there is an infectious humor in his nightmare world which he may plead as a justification for the misuse of his very real ability.

Hog-cholera usually affects the young hogs in the herd first, while scours, suppurative joint disease and infectious sore mouth are diseases that occur during the first few days or few weeks of the animal's life. Lung and intestinal parasites are more commonly found in the young, growing animals. Old animals are prone to fractures of bones and degenerative changes of the body tissues.