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Here you see that indestructible furniture never met with elsewhere, which finds its way into lodging-houses much as the wrecks of our civilization drift into hospitals for incurables.

Whereupon she went to the window, leaned her arm against the cross bars, and pressed her head against her arm. Daniel followed her with looks of glowing anger. “You can take sheep to the slaughter,” he said, “you can throw thieves in a dungeon, you can transport lepers to a hospital for incurables, but you cannot force an emotional girl to listen to music.” He became silent; a pause ensued.

He had been, he said, 'eight-and-twenty years in office, and was still in his prime but he should, he thought, 'take advantage of the advice of his medical friends, and retire. He would never remain there to see the Weights and Measures become a hospital for incurables! It was thus that Mr. Hardlines, the chief clerk, expressed himself.

In one of our large cities is to be found a Christian lady who inherited a handsome establishment with means to support it in the style common to the rich. In the spirit of Christ she "sold all that she had, and gave to the poor," by establishing a Home for Incurables, and making her home with them, giving her time and wealth to promoting their temporal comfort and spiritual welfare.

Had he lived, undoubtedly he would have wound up in a home for the feeble-minded. It is better so, as it is better that he should be spread about over the surface of the ocean in a broad general way, thus saving all the expense and trouble of gathering him up and burying him and putting a tombstone over him. He was one of the incurables.

Fyshe's stock, learning too late of his folly, rushed for his lawyers to have the shares conveyed as a gift to the Home for Incurables. Mr. Asmodeus Boulder transferred his entire holdings to the Imbeciles' Relief Society, and Mr. Furlong, senior, passed his over to a Chinese mission as fast as pen could traverse paper.

Or the congested matter may pass out of the brain altogether through channels which can only be determined by a post-mortem examination. There is an old man at the Hospital for Incurables, an imbecile patient, in his case the effusion has followed the direction of the spinal cord; he suffers horrid agonies, but he lives." "Did they enjoy themselves?" It was Father Goriot who spoke.

A gesture of fierce impatience and disgust was the only reply deigned by the lady. "Come away; she is angry and may become dangerously excited," said the old doctor, leading the way from the cell. "Did you tell me this lady is one of the incurables?" inquired Traverse, when they had left her apartment. "Bah! yes, poor girl, vera incurable, as my sister would say."

First, accident cases, in which the visitor must be careful to see that legal redress is obtained when the case is one for damages, and must, at the same time, protect the victim from lawyers who are glad to take a sure case for "half the proceeds." Second, incurables, for whom homes are provided requiring an entrance fee, or for whom, more often, nothing remains but the almshouse.

She did not call to her husband for help, because she did not need his help, and because she knew that the ex-wrestler could break Everett across his knee. She did not even withdraw her hands, although Everett drove the diamonds deep into her fingers. "You frighten me!" she pleaded. She was not in the least frightened. She only was sorry that this one must be discarded among the incurables.