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Having thus expressed himself to his afflicted inamorata, he made the best of his way to the garrison, in which he shut himself up for the space of ten days, and had no communication with his friends and domestics but by looks, which were most significantly picturesque.

He also got a splendid and fragrant bouquet, and armed with these fascinators he drove to the house of the chief justice and sent in his card. The ladies were at home. He was shown into the drawing room, where, oh! beneficence of fortune, he found his inamorata alone.

I have seen Heenan one of the handsomest men of his time and likewise Adah Isaacs Menken, his inamorata many said his wife who went into mourning for him and thereafter hied away to Paris, where she lived under the protection of Alexandre Dumas, the elder, who buried her in Pere Lachaise under a handsome monument bearing two words, "Thou knowest," beneath a carved hand pointed to heaven.

The count was not very explicit when he reached this part of his story; but, in spite of his reticence, I learned that he had been tricked in his turn, that certain papers had been stolen from him, and that he had been defrauded in many ways by his inamorata. I also know that M. de Chalusse's whole life was haunted by the thought of the husband he had wronged.

It is only the preposterously young who expect a man to rhapsodise over somebody else's inamorata at such a moment. I turned up the fur collar of my coat. "She is good-looking," said I. "Any idiot can see that!" he burst out impatiently. "I want to know what opinion you formed of her." I reflected.

I had an idea I would find you here, and but what's the matter with you, man? Have you got the plague? or has your mysterious inamorata jilted you? or what other annoyance has happened to make you look as woebegone as old King Lear, sent adrift by his tender daughters to take care of himself?"

Now and then one of the latter, after long deliberation, constructed a laborious compliment for his inamorata, and, after advancing and propounding half of it, again retired into himself, smit with a blissful palsy. Nearly all of them conversed in tones that might have indicated that they were separated from each other by an acre lot or two.

"My bounty is as boundless as the sea, My love as deep; the more I give to thee, The more I have, for both are infinite." Thus did Milton, in his transcendent epic, show how a Paradise was regained when woman gave her generous sympathy to man, and reproduced for all coming ages the image of Spiritual Love, the inamorata of Dante and Petrarch, the inspired and consoling guide.

The fact is, I hired him to carry it; but, bless you, the first mile he began to go down by the head, and would have foundered; so we shifted our cargoes." This amused Kenealy, who laughed good-humoredly. On this, David laughed for company. "There," cried his inamorata, with rapture, "that is Mr. Dodd all over; thinks of everybody, high or low, before himself."

True, he had heard, in a dim sort of way, that I had won a good deal of money; but more probably he supposed me to be acting as secretary or even as a kind of servant to his inamorata. At all events, he continued to address me, in his old haughty style, as my superior. At times he even took it upon himself to scold me. One morning in particular, he started to sneer at me over our matutinal coffee.