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In three hours he returned and entered the show-room. "Well, Abe," Morris cried, "what did you find out? Is it all right?" Abe carefully selected a fresh cigar and shook his head solemnly. "Nix, Mawruss," he said. "Mendel Immerglick is nix for a nice girl like Miss Kreitmann." He took paper out of his waistcoat pocket for the purpose of refreshing his memory.

"A petition in bankruptcy was this day filed against Immerglick & Frank, doing business as the 'Vienna Store. This firm has been a heavy purchaser throughout the trade during the past two months, but when the receiver took possession there remained only a small stock of goods. The receiver has retained counsel and will examine Louis Frank under Section 21 A of the Bankruptcy Act.

He took refuge in the columns of the Daily Cloak and Suit Record and perused the business troubles items. "Was it our fault that Immerglick is N. G., Abe?" Morris went on. "Is it " "Ho-ly smokes!" Abe broke in. "What d'ye think of that?" "What do I think of what?" Morris asked. "Immerglick & Frank," Abe read aloud.

"Tell him it's all right, when for all I know Mendel Immerglick is headed straight for the bankruptcy courts, Mawruss. You must be crazy, Mawruss. Ain't Hahn said he's coming down next month to buy his spring goods? What you want to do, Mawruss? Throw three to five thousand dollars in the street, Mawruss?" "You talk foolishness, Abe," Morris rejoined.

"He ain't no thief, Mawruss," said Abe, "and, besides, you can't blame a young feller if he gets stuck on a nice girl like Miss Kreitmann, Mawruss. She's a smart girl, Mawruss. Mendel Immerglick, of Immerglick & Frank, was in here yesterday, Mawruss, and she showed him the line, Mawruss, and believe me, Mawruss, Immerglick says to me I couldn't have done it better myself." "Huh!" Morris snorted.

It is understood that Mendel Immerglick, the senior partner, sailed for Hamburg last week on the Kaiserin Luisa Victoria and intends to remain in Germany for an indefinite time." Abe laid down the paper with a sigh of relief. "If that don't make us solid with Philip Hahn, Mawruss," he said, "nothing will."

In fact, last week Mendel Immerglick struck me for new terms ninety instead of sixty days and he wanted to give me a couple of thousand dollar order. I turned him down cold, Mawruss. People what throw such a bluff like Mendel Immerglick don't give me no confidence, Mawruss. I'm willing to sell him up to five hundred at sixty days, but that's all." "Oh, I don't know, Abe," Morris protested.

Two weeks later the anticipated letter arrived in the following form: MESSRS. POTASH & PERLMUTTER. Gents: Mrs. Kreitmann of your city requests us to ask you about one of your customers by the name of Mr. Mendel Immerglick, of Immerglick & Frank. Dic. P. S. I hear it this fellow is a good bright young fellow. I will be in N. Y. next month and expect to lay in my spring goods.

"Well, Mawruss," Abe said, as he finished reading the letter, "I'm sorry to get this letter. I don't know what I could tell it him about this fellow Immerglick. Now, if it was a responsible concern like Henry Feigenbaum, of the H. F. Cloak Company, it would be different." "Henry Feigenbaum!" Morris exclaimed. "Why, he's only got one eye."

"A young feller like Immerglick, what buys it of us a couple of hundred dollars at a time, she falls all over herself to please him, Abe. And why? Because Immerglick's got a fine mustache and is a swell dresser and he ain't married. But you take it a good customer like Adolph Rothstein, Abe, and what does she do? At first she was all smiles to him, because Adolph is a good-looking feller.