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You enter this palace by four great portals, beautiful with sculptured figgers and ornaments, and as you go on in the colonnade you see beautiful paintin's illustratin' the rise and progress of Art. But that's their way. Wall, way up there and on the pediment of the principal entrances are sculptures and portraits of the ancient masters of Art in relief. In relief?

On one of the other walls is a row of wimmen's heads done in corn; the hair is done in corn silks, and their clothes out of the husks. And then there is a border made of corn, illustratin' the story of corn in Greek Mythology.

Outside of the buildin', when at last we did tear ourselves away from that seen of enchantment, and went outside, I upheld by my motive to see everything I could, and Josiah by the idee that we would step into a restaurant that wuzn't fur away. When outside we see a lot of ponds all illustratin' the best way of pond culture, and all sorts of aquatic plants.

"Oh, Sal; she married the Congregational minister down to Peterfield, and was 'lected president of the Temperance Union and secretary of the Endeavorers. Read a piece down at Fust Church last week on 'Breakin' Away from Old Standards, illustratin' the alarmin' degen'racy of children nowadays." And George Hawley, our Achilles, our Samson, our ideal of everything manly and courageous!

Way beyend the labyrinths, and to the left on't, is the Palm Garden, with lounging places for three or four hundred visitors, and a Moorish orchestra hid by a cluster of branchin' palms, and Arab attendants in native costumes. And then there wuz grottoes and fountains lit by electric lights, and groups of statuary illustratin' famous historical seens.

It wuz a big ivory tankard holdin' enough liquor to intoxicate quite a few. On top of the hull thing stood a rarin' angry brute, illustratin' the cap-stun and completed mission of the whiskey bottle. Arvilly talked more'n half an hour to Miss Meechim about it, and I wuz glad on't.

Picters illustratin' every phase of human life, in every corner of the globe, from birth to death, from kingly prosperity and luxurious ease to prisons and scaffolds, the throne, the hospital, the convent, the pulpit, the monastery, the home, the battle-field, the mid-ocean, and the sheltered way, and Heaven and Hell, and Life and Death.

That was ten years ago, and he's never had the teethache sence. He told me that himself." "It's a good story," said the young doctor. "Do you believe it, Mr. Butters?" "Wal, I do'no' as I exactly believe it; I was sort of illustratin' the different kinds of fools there was in the world, that's all." They were silent. The sun went down, but the light stayed in the young doctor's face.

In lookin' through these picters of hisen illustratin' that old Persian poem, "Omer Kyham" Why, I have had from eighty to a hundred emotions right along for half a day at a time. Mr. Vedder had here "A Soul in Bondage," "The Young Marysus and Morning," and "Delila and Sampson," and several others remarkably impressive. And Mr.

You know how the kangaroo looks in the geography picture av Australia, illustratin' the fauna an' flora, with a tall, thin tree beyont, showin' lack of vegetation in that tropic, an' a little quilly cus they call a ornithorynchus, its mouth like Jim Conlow's? Well, no kangaroo'd had enough self-respect to follow me that night.