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In the evening of a serene day the moon rose brilliant on the harbor, illumining with almost celestial beauty the islands and the sea. Many of the islands were then crowned with forests; others were cleared smooth and verdant, but swept entirely clean of inhabitants by the dreadful plague. The Pilgrims, rejoicing in the rays of the autumnal moon, prepared to spread their sails.

This morning I put my stocking on wrong side out and I just left it for they say still that it means you'll get a present before the day is over, and here I get this cradle!" With a bright smile illumining her face, Phœbe rejoined the preacher. "I see you disposed of the cradle," he greeted her. "Yes. But I felt like a hypocrite when she thanked me, for I was giving her what I didn't want."

Let us join together and raise the light of our civilization so high that its rays, illumining every land, may lead the world to those better things for which the world is praying. By way of introduction, allow me to say that I fully recognize the difference between a presentation of fundamental principles and an application of those principles to life.

But if I don't, it won't be for want of knowing what the scholar's ideal is. And he lifted his hand with a smile towards the squire's book on English Culture, which stood in the bookcase just above him. The squire, following the gesture, smiled too. It was a faint, slight illumining, but it changed the face agreeably.

He tried, vainly, to get his thoughts straight, and lit a cigarette with apparent calmness, swaggering to the window; but his legs did not cease to tremble, and the unsteadiness of his gait caused Xantippe to smile as she watched him. Resting by the window, Gregorio widened the lips of the lattice and let in a stream of moonbeams that rested on wife and child, illumining the dark corner.

So Jiuyémon went with him and embarked; and as they left the harbour and struck into the open sea, the moon was just rising above the eastern hills, illumining the dark night like a noonday sun; and Jiuyémon, taking his place in the bows of the ship, stood wrapt in contemplation of the beauty of the scene.

His whimsical, half-teasing, yet, at bottom, anxious look touched Meynell strangely. "With all my life and with all my strength!" Meynell's gaze was fixed intently on his questioner. The night-light in the basin on the farther side of the room threw the strong features into shadowy relief, illumining the yearning kindliness of the eyes. "What made tha believe in Him?"

Our Lord has this day exercised His accustomed mercy in the case of two old men, very venerable and more than a hundred years old. The greater part of their long lives they had spent in diabolical acts of outrage, murder, cruelty, and lawlessness; and yet our Lord had waited for them until now when, illumining them with His divine light, they were marvelously converted.

It was the genuine manifestation of the best human traits that touched him pure gems illumining a nature otherwise so clouded and crude. Late at night footsteps approached, and the two physicians entered. "I first permitted Dr. Armand to form his own impressions, and since have told him everything," said Dr. Markham, "and he strongly inclines to my view.

But now he heard the sound of hoofs making towards him; he drew his horse on one side of the road, and at that instant a broad flash of lightning illumining the space around, he beheld four horsemen speeding along at a rapid gallop; they were armed, and conversing loudly their oaths were heard jarringly and distinctly amidst all the more solemn and terrific sounds of the night.