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There was never a word of a raven or an eagle, that I'll swear, now. 'You deny that there was ever a word of "All for Love"? Speak, madam. 'Their conjuror's rigmarole! she murmured, huffing. 'As if I listened to their nonsense! 'Does the Duchess of Dewlap dare to give me the lie? said Mr. Beamish. 'That's not my title, and you know it, she retorted. 'What's this? the angry beau sang out.

Here, the huffing of Miss Bella and the loss of three of her men at a swoop, aggravated by the coronation of an opponent, led to that young lady's jerking the draught-board and pieces off the table: which her sister went down on her knees to pick up. 'Poor Bella! said Mrs Wilfer. 'And poor Lavinia, perhaps, my dear? suggested R. W. 'Pardon me, said Mrs Wilfer, 'no!

But the interrogation was over, apparently. Quillan took over the ship controls, and the Commissioner and Trigger went with the recorder into the little office back of the transmitter cabinet, to slam out some fast reports to the Hub and other points. Lyad was apologizing profoundly to Mantelish as they left the lounge. The professor was huffing back at her, rather mildly.

One was just finishing his breakfast, quarrelling with his bread and butter, and huffing the waiter; another buttoned on a pair of gaiters, with many execrations at Boots for not having cleaned his shoes well; a third sat drumming on the table with his fingers, and looking at the rain as it streamed down the window-glass; they all appeared infected by the weather, and disappeared, one after the other, without exchanging a word.

"No, no, by the hair of my chiny-chin-chin." "Then I'll huff, and I'll puff, and I'll blow your house in." So he huffed, and he puffed, and he huffed, and he puffed, and he puffed and huffed; but he could not get the house down. Finding that he could not, with all his huffing and puffing, blow the house down, he said: "Little pig, I know where there is a nice field of turnips."

There was never a word of a raven or an eagle, that I'll swear, now. 'You deny that there was ever a word of "All for Love"? Speak, madam. 'Their conjuror's rigmarole! she murmured, huffing. 'As if I listened to their nonsense! 'Does the Duchess of Dewlap dare to give me the lie? said Mr. Beamish. 'That's not my title, and you know it, she retorted. 'What's this? the angry beau sang out.

"Then I'll huff, and I'll puff, and I'll blow your house in." Well, he huffed, and he puffed, and he huffed and he puffed, and he puffed and huffed; but he could not get the house down. When he found that he could not, with all his huffing and puffing, blow the house down, he said: "Little pig, I know where there is a nice field of turnips." "Where?" said the little pig. "Oh, in Mr.

Over his evening fire he heard it grow to a lusty gale that filled the valley all night with moaning noises. Fierce gusts scattered the ashes of his fire and fluttered the walls of his tent as though some strong-lunged giant were huffing and puffing to blow his house down. At daylight the wind died. A sky banked solid with clouds began to empty upon the land a steady downpour of rain.

I have no objection to Mrs. In the recesses of my own breast, the thought may linger that a man in possession cannot be so dreadful as a woman, and that woman Mrs. Prodgit; but, I ought to bear a good deal, and I hope I can, and do. Huffing and snubbing, prey upon my feelings; but, I can bear them without complaint.

Ladies Wou'd you be quit of their insipid noise, And vain pretending take a Fool's advice; Of the faux Braves I've had some little trial, There's nothing gives 'em credit but Denial: As when a Coward will pretend to Huffing, Offer to fight, away sneaks Bully-Ruffian, So when these Sparks, whose business is addressing, In Love pursuits grow troublesom and pressing; When they affect to keep still in your eye, | When they send Grisons every where to spy, | And full of Coxcomb dress and ogle high; | Seem to receive their Charge, and face about, I'll pawn my life they never stand it out.