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'I'm glad of that because well, because I can't be friends with people that say it isn't different. You do see that, don't you? Nelly assured him she perfectly understood, and then Tommy rolled over on his back, and staring at the sky, began to talk in mysterious tones of 'Jupe, and the beings that lived in it, Haggans, and Hoons, lions and bears, and white mice.

'Haggans and Hoons, said a dreamy voice, the voice of one absorbed. 'I forget' said Nelly gravely 'which are the good ones? 'The Hoons are good. The Haggans are awfully wicked! said the child, slashing away at his drawing with bold vindictive strokes. 'Are you drawing a Haggan, Tommy? 'Yes. He held up a monster, half griffin, half crocodile, for her to see, and she heartily admired it.

Tommy was brought over to see her; and she sat beside him, while he lay on the floor drawing Hoons and Haggans, at a great rate, and brimful of fresh adventures in 'Jupe. But he was soon conscious that his old playfellow was not the listener she had been; and he presently stole away with a wistful look at her.

Why did you do it?" Tam grinned and slapped his long gloves together. "For peace an' quiet," he said. "A've been chased by thairty air Hoons that got 'twixt me an' ma breakfast, so A' went oop a bit an' a bit more an' two fellers came behint me. There's an ould joke that A've never understood before 'the higher the fewer' it's no' deefficult to understand it noo."

'Hallo, Jennie, Polly, whatever your name is, he said to the red-cheeked waiting-maid who entered that instant, 'we didn't ring, but never mind; you just come in time to tell us the cause of these unwonted festivities who've you got in your kitchen? 'It's t' hoons, said the girl. 'Hounds, is it? jolly dogs, rather, I should say. 'Ay, they've killed near here, and they're soopin' now.

"That's a wee poem A' made oop oot o' ma ain heid, Captain, at a height of twenty-three thoosand feet. A'm thinkin' it's the highest poem in the wairld." "And you're not far wrong well, what happened?" "A' got hame," said Tam grimly, "an' ain o' yon Hoons did no' get hame. Mon! It took him an awfu' long time to fa'!"

Mutterin' a brief a verra brief prayer that the Hoons would be strafed, he climbt an' climbt till he could 'a' strook a match on the moon. After him wi' set lips an' flashin' een came the bluidy-minded ravagers of Belgium, Serbia an' A'm afreed Roomania. Theer bullets whistled aboot his lugs but, "His eyes were bricht, His hairt were licht, For Tam the Scoot was fu' o' ficht