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The only thing was not to get number One speech mixed up with number Two or number Three at any given point. The Honorable Secretary had to attend to that. So all the time we were bored for something to do. What we was hopin' and longin' for all the time was that some one in the opposition at some station would haul off and throw a brick at the car. Then we would have had some News."

As related by Bullinger, who was an eye-witness, this man begged "the Lords of Zurich with tearful eyes; begged them as strongly as he could, for God's sake and that of the whole Confederacy, to stay quiet where they were without actual operations and approach, till he would return again in the course of a few hours; for he had good hopes, by the aid of other honorable, honest people, who also were in a fair way to separate, with the help of God's grace, to make an honorable peace, which would redound to the good of the Confederacy; besides, great bloodshed would be avoided and no poor widows and orphans made; for this, he trusted in the Holy Gospel, which teaches us peace, love and unity.

A like amount being at length raised by the adverse faction, the question at once arose as to who should be the arbiter. Observing me for the first time as I stood at the door, the Doctor declared his willingness to accept me as "empire." It may here be remarked that the honorable office to which I was thus nominated is sometimes called "umpire."

In the Congressional act of 1862 was a vague provision for military instruction in the institutions which might be created under it. The cause of this was evident. The bill was passed during one of the most critical periods in the history of the Civil War, and in my inaugural address I had alluded to this as most honorable to Senator Morrill and to the Congress which had adopted his proposals.

"What is the matter?" said his master, trying to twist his head round. "Nothing! only I am afraid they they won't split; fellows of that sort don't split on a comrade where they can get no good by it." "Well, if they don't, still we shall have him. One of us saw his face." "Ah!" "It was the honorable the knave of trumps.

Let us not provoke one another to wrath! Above all things, let us, in a spirit of charity and patience, reason out this matter without undue excitement. My ears have most painfully heard your last words, which, taken literally, might mean that you reject my honorable offer. The question is, do they mean this?

"How about your eldest brother Lord Charters?" "No good," the Honorable Bertie replied, gloomily; "we are on bad terms. And George is in New York." "Then I must put you on your feet again." "You!" "Yes; I will lift your paper the whole of it." "Impossible! I can't accept money from a friend!" "I'm more than that, my boy or will be. Isn't your brother going to marry my cousin?

The case came to hearing and solemn argument; and he who espoused their cause, and stood up for them against the validity of the embargo act, was none other than that great man, of whom the gentleman has made honorable mention, Samuel Dexter. He was then, Sir, in the fulness of his knowledge, and the maturity of his strength.

"Why, Tom keeps telling me that mother was a Cabot, and grandfather a judge, and talking Winthrop Colony and Copleys and Gilbert Stuarts to me!" the girl burst out presently. "As if that wasn't the very REASON for my being honorable! That's what blood's for!" Still Piet was silent, his kind, ugly face set and dark.

They have trust funds in their possession to a large amount, I am told." "They are both honorable men, and would not violate their trust," said A . "I will not gainsay that," answered Mr. B . "Still, they may use these funds temporarily, and wrong no one." Nothing more was said in my presence, but I turned their remarks over and over again, feeling less satisfied the more I pondered them.