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They merely paused long enough to draw one shirt sleeve across the sweat-beaded foreheads it was a very early spring in Manhattan and the first heat was hard to bear and went at their task harder than ever. Hogarty had one other reason that morning which accounted for his absolute serenity.

And Dennison, of course, being on the inside, knows he is really nothing but a dub knows it is simply a plain open and shut proposition. That is to say he thinks he knows!" Jesse Hogarty paused and the corners of his lips twitched back to show his teeth, but not in laughter. "It's the same little frame-up that he sent against Boots and me," he finished. "He ought to be satisfied, hadn't he?

Old Jerry's eyes clung to the thick neck that ran from his ears straight down into his shoulders until a nameless dread took him by the throat and made him turn away. Back in Denny's corner Hogarty was lacing on the gloves, talking softly in the meantime to the big boy before him. "From the tap of the gong," he was droning. "From the tap of the gong from the tap of the gong."

This was merely part of his every day's work; he spent hours each week either instructing frankly confessed amateurs or discouraging too-confident, would-be professionals. It was only because of the strangely venomous harshness with which Hogarty had given him his orders while he was himself dressing that he vouchsafed Denny even that one glance. "I want you to get him," Hogarty snarled.

"Denny Bolton, from Boltonwood or or I reckon you've never heard of that place. I'm down from the hill country, back in the north," he supplemented. Hogarty turned away turned back to the green-topped table and played the double-blank with delicate precision. "Of course," he agreed softly. "Quite right quite right!

Very deliberately Hogarty deciphered the words, lifted a vaguely puzzled face to Young Denny, who waited immobile and then returned again to the card. He even nodded once in thorough appreciation of the title which Morehouse had given the boy; he smiled faintly as he remembered Denny as he had stood there in the entrance of the big room, a short while before, and realized how apt the phrase was.

It was common gossip that a set of ivory dominoes came first before all else. No man had ever ventured to interrupt twice the breathless interest with which Hogarty was accustomed to play his game. It did not promise to be safe a second interruption.

When Hogarty had stripped the robe away and the figure went on on up through the ropes he recognized him. As Young Denny seated himself in the corner just above them Morehouse threw out his arm and forced Old Jerry back into his seat. Then the little man remembered and shrank back, but his eyes glowed.

Hard on the heels of that thought came the realization that that was a fine point of the game utterly outside of the boy's knowledge. It was quiet oddly, peacefully quiet for a second in that long room. Then in obedience to a nod from Hogarty the lanky boy called Legs languidly touched a bell, and all that peaceful silence was shattered to bits.

Now, there's your story. It explains the whole thing, and my apologies go with it. What are you going to do?" Jesse Hogarty had been listening without moving a muscle without once taking his two brilliant eyes from Morehouse's warm face even when Morehouse refused to look back at him as he talked.