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When the King and his courtiers came riding back there sat the lad in rags and a gray moss wig, and he was beating his horse and shouting, "Hie! Hie! Now will you go?" Then the courtiers laughed more than ever, and one of them threw a clod at him. The next day the King again rode forth to war with all his train. There was the lad still seated on the nag in the swamp.

A man passed the door of the hut twice; but, at last, crying out, "Cally ek lungrah bile hie," which signifies, "There is only one lame bullock," he rejoined his party. The attempt to steal away in so dark a night would have been impracticable; I must infallibly have been heard.

He began to march around the garden again, and Jim and I followed closely at his heels, while little Billy, seeing that he could not get us to play with him, came lagging behind. Soon Ned turned around and said, "Hie out!" Old Jim sprang ahead, and ran off in front as if he was after something. Now I remembered what "hie out" meant. We were to have a lovely race wherever we liked.

Selwyn, "who dares lay hands on bold Robin Hood? away, base rogue, hie thee hence or I am like to fetch thee a dour ding on that pate o' thine!" Mr. Selwyn loosed the Imp and stared at me in speechless astonishment, as well he might.

The man was plainly mad; but still Lady Shuttleworth might you never know with women "Look here hie, you! Mr. Newman!" he called, for Fritzing had torn open the door and was through it. "Neumann, sir," Fritzing hurled back at him over his shoulder. "Lady Shuttleworth won't see you, Mr. Noyman. She won't on principle." Fritzing wavered. "Everything goes through my hands.

He was not insensible to beauty, and often, as he wrought a wedding ring for the finger of some fair damsel, he thought with what delight he could forge one for some gentle creature who would love him for himself and not for the riches that called him lord. Then he would sally forth and hie to the river-side, and pass long hours in the dreamy reveries of an artist.

Now he, Hilarius, having seen much evil and the justice of the Almighty, would get him in peace to Wymondham, there to learn to be a cunning limner; and having so learnt would joyfully hie him back to Prior Stephen and his own monastery. Presently the way led somewhat uphill, and he saw to his right a small hamlet.

Yet some men say that King Arthur is not dead, but hid away into another place, and men say that he shall come again and reign over England. But many say that there is written on his tomb this verse: "Hie facet Arthurus, Rex quondam, Rexque futurus." Here Arthur lies, King once and King to be.

For this day the Sheriff hath asked all the Butcher Guild to feast with him at the Guild Hall. There will be stout fare and much to drink, and that thou likest, or I much mistake thee." "Now, beshrew his heart," quoth jolly Robin, "that would deny a butcher. And, moreover, I will go dine with you all, my sweet lads, and that as fast as I can hie."

He punched and pounded me, and poked things at me and listened at the other end of them; and finally he said I must stop work 'immejutly and to onct' and hie me straightway to a climate not afflicted with the north-east winds of Prince Edward Island in the spring. I am not to be allowed to do any work until the fall. Such was his dictum and Mrs. Williamson enforces it.